
Well Known Member
Seems like quite a bit of time has passed and this subject has gone dark. I haven't read or heard about an progress on this bill.. Anyone have any updates??
Some of it passed the Senate and is now in the House as part of the FAA reauthorization bill. This bill contains the aeromedical reform language that was in PBOR II.
Seems like quite a bit of time has passed and this subject has gone dark. I haven't read or heard about an progress on this bill.. Anyone have any updates??
The 3rd class medical provisions, at least, made it into the FAA reauthorization bill that was passed by the Senate. We'll have to see what the House does with it.
The house passed their version of the bill a few months (Correction...2/2015 if you look at the website) back. The Senate took a non conventional approach to this and didn't pass a Senate bill, instead the took the house bill and rewrote it. There are something like 300 changes. The Senate then passed their version of the house bill. Now technically both the house and Senate passed the same bill with different wording. It is up to the house to decide if they want to accept the Senate's version or not. If not, a committee is formed to reconcile the differences and then if all is well on to the president.

If things go well, maybe signed by late summer.

Throw in the THUD funding proposal that passed the Senate committee.... I have no idea what it included outside of funding the FAA.....
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The house passed their version of the bill a few months back. The Senate took a non conventional approach to this and didn't pass a Senate bill, instead the took the house bill and rewrote it. There are something like 300 changes. The Senate then passed their version of the house bill. Now technically both the house and Senate passed the same bill with different wording. It is up to the house to decide if they want to accept the Senate's version or not. If not, a comitee is formed to reconcile the differences and then if all is well on to the president.

If things go well, maybe signed by late summer.

Throw in the THUD funding proposal that passed the Senate comitte.... I have no idea what it included outside of funding the FAA.....

I don't think that's exactly correct. The House version that came out of the House Trans committee never made it to the House Floor for a vote. IIRC the House version would have been DOA to the Senate anyway because it contained a privatized ATC provision. So the Senate developed their own FAA funding bill which now the House has to approve or come up with a compromise acceptable to the Senate.
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I don't think that's exactly correct. The House version that came out of the House Trans committee never made it to the House Floor for a vote. IIRC the House version would have been DOA to the Senate anyway because it contained a privatized ATC provision. So the Senate developed their own FAA funding bill which now the House has to approve or come up with a compromise acceptable to the Senate.

Take a look:


According to this is passed the house on 2/16/2015 and then pass the senate in 2016... It could be something funky with the website as well....

I followed up with a Gov Advocacy specialist and this was our conversation....

From Me:

Good Morning, I am reading up on the senate’s recent passing of the FAA Reauthorization bill and it appears there are a number of confusing points which I hope you can clarify.

First, the Senate bill was S2658 (https://www.congress.gov/bill/114th-congress/senate-bill/2658) which many news agencies indicate passed, does not appear to have passed in the senate.

However, HR636, which was a house bill, which was passed by the House back in February was voted on by the senate after a series of amendments. https://www.congress.gov/bill/114th-congress/house-bill/636 Am I wrong to assume this bill will go back to the house for review of the senate’s amendments and then, if the house accepts them, on to the president?

Or did the senate really pass S2658 which would then need to go to the house for a full vote?

The reply from the expert:

Hi Daniel,

You are correct, the bill passed was actually a house bill that was stripped of its original language and amended to contain the language of the Senate reauthorization bill. This sort of bizarre maneuver is sometimes done to take advantage of parliamentary rules. Functionally, I believe the process from this point is the same as if the Senate actually passed a Senate bill – the House can either agree to the bill as passed by the Senate as-is or add their own amendments, in which case the Senate and House would form a conference committee to create a compromise bill, which would then need to be re-passed by both chambers.

Thanks for your question – we agree it’s needlessly confusing!


I am not a Gov. process expert and have been struggling to keep up :)
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Does anyone know what kind of time frame the house has to act on this?


I believe that the temporary FAA funding was for 90 days, so I think that means it will take 89 days . . . unless another temporary funding measure is passed

the bottom line is that I need to go get a medical if mine is about to or has just expired???

I'm not saying it has expired..... but . It could have.
the bottom line is that I need to go get a medical if mine is about to or has just expired???
I'm not saying it has expired..... but . It could have.

Remember that even if it does pass, it will be a year after passage before it takes effect unless the FAA accepts it earlier.
Remember that even if it does pass, it will be a year after passage before it takes effect unless the FAA accepts it earlier.

Mel, the latest Senate version I read stated the law would go into effect 180 days after signing if the FAA didn't act sooner. But this is a confusing situation in its present state so.....who knows.......
Thanks, Sam

I better look for a FAA med guy

I saw you at Moontown this past Saturday, but didn't get a chance to converse.

Maybe next month.

Crowd was a bit slim for a nice Saturday morning.