
Well Known Member
... and my stylist (Christina) asks me how my day is going. Well, I gotta tell her that I'm heading out to the airport to burn some holes in the sky, and she mentions that she would love to go flying!:D

A couple of weeks later, her schedule, my schedule, her boyfriend's schedule, and the weather all line up for a joyride. We met at my hangar for a walk-around, and then I took Christina and her boyfriend Kale for a ride.

Looks like they enjoyed it! (video link removed by Dakotahawk)
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didn't look like she left you much hair! but she is pretty cute, and kale seems to be trying to hard to be cool
Great video-------My $$$ is on a front page spot for the Friday edition.

Thanks for sharing with us.
Looks like you might be getting
haircuts for LIFE after that flight.
Like the smiles of people that
enjoy a great ride.:D
Great video!

... and next time take her only. :) Like others have said; he was trying too hard to be cool...

Her different expressions was great to watch. Thanks for sharing!
Very funny / cool video it was fun to see both of their expressions! Nice job of editing!

I believe you need parachutes for areobatics if there (is) more than (1) pe(rson) in the plane. [ed. Yes. FAR 91.307. dr]

Am I wrong on that? I got chewed out by the FAA here until they figured out I was solo. :confused:
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didn't look like she left you much hair! but she is pretty cute, and kale seems to be trying to hard to be cool

I was thinking the same thing ... "He has about as much hair as I do and I buzz my own hair..."

Then, of course, I watched her expressions and it hit me: Scott's no fool -- if I could find a stylist as cute as she, I'd grow more hair! :D

Great video. Cool Kale just couldn't help himself. He had to bust out with an RV Grin eventually.
very good video and some smooth flying.

I can't make two flights in a row without being herky and jerky somewhere along the way.
Just woke up... of course I check VAF... and to my delight I was able to watch this video. Great Way To Start My Day. This put a smile on my face as well.
Thanks for sharing this

Love the look on her face and the OMG comments. Had she been in a small plane before? Great video quality, thanks again you got my morning off to a great start
Scott, with Kale you have just proved it.

A smile is just a frown turned upside down.

What video software are you using?


Camera is a GoPro HDPro on the r6 setting (HD @ 30 fps)

Editing software is Pinnacle version 14.

I had about 61 minutes of video between the two flights. It took about an hour to edit down to the short segments that I used, reorder the segments, and add video titles and comments. I did a final video edit to bring the total time down to a reasonable length, then did a search of my iPod for suitable tunes to add to the video.

I'm brand new to this video editing thing - so I don't claim to be breaking any new ground with my stuff.:rolleyes: Glad everyone is enjoying the video!
better than a T-shirt?

...and don't forget, they have already shown this to 347 of their friends!
yes, we are of the era where a 4x6 photo just doesn't get shared nearly as much!
...and what a great souvenir for them....I hope they appreciate it as much as we all do.
thanks for all your efforts to show us how it's done...very professional flight, (no hotdogging that would reflect badly on GA).

nice to see.

(hmmmm, thinking about buying a -7 next, with all that fun stuff you've shown)
Love the quality

Awesome video! Helps make my Friday afternoon at work go a little quicker.

I'm really liking the quality of the GoPro.

Christina can ride in my RV anytime.....the expressions @ :42, :54 & 2:45 are priceless!!!
Great editing

You did a great job of editing the video to make it seem like you took them both up at the same time, very nice!
A couple of observations...
1) Some pilots fly for a paycheque. Judging from the comments here, it seems most homebuilders fly for smiles! (Yup, guilty as charged!)

2) Watching these passengers react to G-forces brought me to a new realization with respect to why pilots become airsick less often than passengers. The pilot anticipates the G-force onset and compensates for it before onset, whereas the passenger is left purely in reactionary mode. Very visible in this video when looking at things like head positions. Gives one pause to consider how our passengers experience flight differently than we as pilots do.

3) Great video showing how much fun it can be to introduce neophytes to the joys of homebuilt aircraft.

I recently had a similar experience, taking a local newspaper reporter up for a flight around her newspaper beat. I have a wonderful picture of her, coincidentally taken at the moment when she realized that BOTH of my hands were on the camera, which meant SHE was doing the flying! You ought to see the size of that grin!
OMG! I think I need a haircut....just checked Delta's schedule...for $837 I can be there tomorrow at 0900L...please RSVP on my behalf!

Ha! Ha!

Funniest thing happened today. She raised her rates and there's a line out the door!
What impressed me about this video was how he introduced them to G forces with a simple turn prior to doing the roll or loop.

I suspect that his first turns were very gentle, building up to the steep turn, then the roll, and finally the loop.

That was a very good way to prepare them for the light acro. How many of us take a new passenger up and start carving up the sky with little warning? This video is a good primer as to how to introduce someone to the joys of flight.

Also, those had to be some of the smoothest landings I have ever seen. It was difficult to tell from the video exactly when you touched down.

Great job!
... and my stylist (Christina) asks me how my day is going. Well, I gotta tell her that I'm heading out to the airport to burn some holes in the sky, and she mentions that she would love to go flying!:D

A couple of weeks later, her schedule, my schedule, her boyfriend's schedule, and the weather all line up for a joyride. We met at my hangar for a walk-around, and then I took Christina and her boyfriend Kale for a ride.

Looks like they enjoyed it! Kale and Christina

If she's your hair stylist, I hope she gives you half price...!:D

GREAT video footage. Keep 'em coming.
Very Professional

One of the best, most enjoyable RV videos I have seen. :cool: Can't wait to show my wife what she's in for. ;)
Thanks Scott :)
you don't often see

We don't often see the passenger briefing on these vids.
Thanks for including it.

Priceless! Priceless! What a great great video. That pretty young lady's face told the whole story. Absolutely a video for the archives. BZ, BZ!
Great video Scott! Had to be fun for you to watch the video for the first time to see their expressions.

Thanks for sharing.
Really nice...........

video. You did a great job setting everything up. My step son probably looks about like Kyle (No smile), but I know he loves it.
That probably does more good to promote aviation than anything I can think of. You're the MAN!

I really agree with this statement. My wife and I watched the video a couple of times early Fri. AM before we jumped in our airplane with a couple of friends and headed for Key West.
I have been doing some Young Eagle flying whenever possible and am just convinced that it will be grassroots efforts like this that will rescue GA if anything can. Man, that video is a powerful testament to bringing the pure joy of flying to someone who has not been there before!
Nice Job

Good job on the video and flying.

My only question, Is Christina's mom single?
The "headset" is the Halo Quiet Technologies In-Ear headset. They advertise here on VAF.

I really like the headset - especially when I'm pulling a lot of g's - I don't have a heavy headset sliding off of my head!

How do you like the comfort level in the ear and the sound quality?
How do you like the comfort level in the ear and the sound quality?

You can get a cheap test of the comfort level by picking up a single pair of EAR earplugs. $0.30 at Aircraft Spruce for a single pair. (EAR is the trademark name). Some people can't stand the feel of having earplugs in. I spent five years on a Navy ship and never took the plugs out - even while sleeping!


EAR earplugs

Sound quality is fine. I've always been happy with these, and as soon as I bought them, I've never worn my Lightspeed ANL headset since.
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