
Well Known Member
I've been copying and bookmarking many of the links to kit add-ons included in posts, finally I began to actually look thru them. It's amazing how many people and companies manufacture goodies for RV's! The challenge is getting feedback on the functionality of all these toys. Maybe I should've started a poll, but how does anyone begin to evaluate all these: Fuel drain fairings, fuel low level warnings, oil low level warnings, flap positioning circuits (with and without integrated pitch trim!), flush canopy handles, smoke systems, fairings, cowlings, larger tailwheels, LED lighting - interior and exterior, seat cushions and coverings, tinted canopies, etc.
I guess only a few of these would have to be added during the initial construction so there's time to think about most of them, but still!
Any advice on all this kit candy?
Clay Cook
pregnant with the "Cookie Monster"
tanks, tanks alot
I have written down what I want to the plane to do. With that idea I made a outline of how to achieve that goal. Once the goal is defined, it gets easier to sift through the needs vs wants toylist.
OF course the outline isn't static and has been modified, twisted, even restored back to original once, then customized somemore.

Put your wants/needs on paper, then at the top of that paper, put your ~budget.

Also be careful buying something today which you don't need for 2 yrs
I am a gadget freak, and I plan to install all of it. My RV-8 will weigh 2500 lbs. ;)

No, seriously, I went through the same thing early on in my planning process. In some cases, debating my customizations came down to "utility vs. build-time," such as the removable floor panels. In other cases, it came down to simple cost and weight considerations. Even now, with the building well underway, I have to make a mental commitment to remove weight someplace for each extra "thing" I contemplate installing. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I just keep repeating, "This plane would fly just fine with no extra options installed."

It rarely works, but at least I'm supporting the many fine manufacturers of aftermarket RV stuff. :)