Neal Trombley

Well Known Member
My tools have arrived courtesy of Brown and Cleveland, thanks to both for fast and professional service.

I have two practice kits from Vans and I am doing the wing kit with my EAA group to get insight on setting up dimplers/rivets etc..

I hope to start the VS this week....

Looking forward to working with you guys/gals on this build..
Congratulations Neal! As soon as you finish VS put deposit on the wings. Waste no time. :D


My tools have arrived courtesy of Brown and Cleveland, thanks to both for fast and professional service.

I have two practice kits from Vans and I am doing the wing kit with my EAA group to get insight on setting up dimplers/rivets etc..

I hope to start the VS this week....

Looking forward to working with you guys/gals on this build..

Congratulations. Start the Emp with the VS. Much easier.
Have fun Neal. I hope you get as much joy and accomplishment out of your build I have out of mine. I have found as I get to the last part of my build that I could have purchased a flying plane for about the same price I have in mine, but for me the build is a goal I have had for many years.

Don't be afraid to ask all kinds of questions and leave all ego for other parts of your life. My thought is I am not a professional builder so if someone can find something I screwed up when they look at my plane - great. It may save my life!

On the other hand, considering all of us here think we are the smartest people in the club, make sure you research what people say. Opinions are not always facts!

Find a mentor or sub group you can become part of. That is the trick.
+ 1 for Starting with the Vertical Stabilizer

Welcome aboard Neal!

The 9A is a great choice. You're going to love it. Mine is 8 years flying and just over 500 hours.

VStab has less parts to deal with and is easier to build. Never could figure why Van's instructions start with the Horizontal Stab.
This, following your practice kits, will bring your skills to a new level and prepared for the journey.

Good luck. I'm north of you in N Tampa/Lutz and based at Zephyrhills. Feel free to visit.
just blown away I was on the front page.. VAF is such a wonderful site and really pushed me to pull the trigger earlier.

I want to thank all the posters that built before me and those on the same journey I am about to take.

Again thank you all and to The Reeves family may you all be blessed!
Oh and Neal,
You still have time to change your mind and join the truly elite and make it a RV-9
Just a little ahead of you

Congrats and good luck.. i am just a little ahead of you by about 6 months. Do be afraid to ask questions.
Compare a 9 and 9A

You may be able to talk Mark and I into flying to Page for lunch one day so you can look at both versions.

Mark's is beautiful but red and white RV's rock.
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Welcome aboard. I'm in Naples. I've been working on my 9A since 11/11/14. Empannage completed, Wings completed, and fuselage about 60 to 90 days away from completion. If I can be of help email me.
neal, if you need anything I am in hanger A-59, south side of page in the row right behind bob and across from tim.

bob burns
RV-4 N82RB

Not one day has passed where I wasnt 100% happy i built my rv. Just a great experience building and even better using it a lot. Have a great time.
neal, if you need anything I am in hanger A-59, south side of page in the row right behind bob and across from tim.

bob burns
RV-4 N82RB

Thanks Bob.. Yea Tim is a great guy!! He just needs to finish his mess at PAGE!!

lol , Taxiing is a Biiiotch
Hey Robert,
Seems like you should be in the hanger and not online so we can change your status from building to flying.:D
Thanks Bob.. Yea Tim is a great guy!! He just needs to finish his mess at PAGE!!

lol , Taxiing is a Biiiotch

going to get worse, just got the email from scott that 5/23 will be closed for 93 days starting april 19.

bob burns
rv-4 N82RB
We still have time to make you see the errors of your ways..........:D

funny thing.. I flew a 7 on sunday and really loved it, taildragger and all. It taxied great be it no wind to deal with... but that 7 was sweet and very responsive

you never know..