
I'm New Here
I've been shopping around for an RV-4 to transition into after I finish flopping around the sky in my flight school's 172. It's become apparent there's a lot to pick from when you layout out a glass cockpit, and being an IT guy, lots of buttons and flashly lights amuse me. :D

So without starting some huge debate, who's got a good system for EFIS and EMS that interacts well with the other stuff like GPS/Radios?

I've been looking a lot at the Dynon gear for EFIS/EMS, and Vertical Power to replace all the normal circuit breakers.

What I'm concerned with is that I'm going to buy an RV-4, immediately pull out the panel and rebuild it with all glass. I don't want to drop $15k+ on this stuff and end up with redundant features...not the failsafe kind of redundant, but where I have three key devices that all display some of the same items. I'm aiming to get the best possible functionality between devices without having too many of the same features in each device.

I do want the ability to have a backup display should the others fail, but what is the "prefect" combination of hardware to get the best bang for the buck and at the same time work within the space available in an RV-4?

The Vertical Power VP-200 is very cool, but it goes way beyond plain old power management. It will show fuel levels, oil info, and other various information, yet it requires an EMS to get that info...that to me is a redundancy of features, if the EMS fails I don't have the info on either device.

My goal is three screens on the panel, left for GPS/NAV, center for primary flight info, and right for EMS. Then probably the VP-200 and radio/trans. gear in that space under the panel forward of the control stick. The leftover space will have a compass, ASI, and Altimeter for a worst case backup.

I'm open to any suggestions, comments, ideas, etc...I don't have the time to build an RV but I figure at the very least I can buy one second hand and give it a personal touch.

Please forgive the newbie questions, I'm still trying to figure out how all this stuff needs to interact together.
Here is my $.02

Jason, there are many posts, in these forums here at VAF, devoted to this topic, and a whole lot of info is available in them.

I know it may sound trite, but it sounds like you need to get familiar with using the search function in this site.

Good luck.
Problem with digging through old posts is the panel stuff (unlike airframe, engine, aero topics) is changing so fast old posts are quickly out of date.

I suggest you subscribe to epanelbuilder and play around. Check out/search the forum and company web sites for the type of equipment you want. Buy the plane and then figure out where "stuff" is best placed and what "stuff" you want for what you'll be doing.

The options really go on and on and you can drive yourself crazy.

Good luck.
Jason, you might want to consider what I did for my -4 as a start but there is no backup since I only fly VFR. Dynon D-180 centered in panel, on the left are a Garmin 250XL w/ a Garmin GTX-327 mounted beneath. I also have a vertical card compass on the right side of panel. Sorry I don,t have a pic.
Fits the -4 panel very well and suits my needs.
Hope this helps.

Glenn Wilkinson
Jason, there are many posts, in these forums here at VAF, devoted to this topic, and a whole lot of info is available in them.

I know it may sound trite, but it sounds like you need to get familiar with using the search function in this site.

Good luck.

Searching is what lead up to this post, reading everything is only showing that everyone is doing everything...so it's sort of hard to figure out what direction to go.
Many things will affect your decison(s).


This is a topic very close to my heart right now. I bought a flying RV-6 last summer, and am now in the midst of a major panel upgrade. There's a caveat in that last line...I'm no expert, but rather a guy on a near-vertical learning curve, which is a lot of fun, and a LOT of work.

The plane I bought is great, and the work I've done and am doing (panel and other stuff) is, like you said above, my way of making it mine...putting my signature on it, and making it all I want it to be. It's also a way to get to know it from stem to stern, and make flying it an (even more safe) adventure.

I've started with what capabilities existed on my panel, what capabilities I want (day/nite VFR, X-C machine with a modern panel), and my personal preferences on look, feel, functionality, panel real-estate, and of course, cost. All will play a role in what you choose, and you really won't be able to make the call till you know what you're starting with.

My aircraft came with a Dynon D100, a Garmin 396 GPS and a VM1000 engine monitor. I needed (more truthfully wanted) to move switches to make it a more functional panel, update the old radios, add an autopilot, and provide some redundancy. Had it pretty much suitcased when Dynon announced their autopilot (which I found out about on this forum!). OK, plan B (actually plan ZZ-243...so many options!) I'm going mostly Dynon and Garmin (my choice...yours may be different). Lesson, be ready to absorb data on rapidly changing technology, but at some point make the call, and press on. It can drive you crazy (ask my wife and flying buds) but its fun!

All that being said, if you take a poll on the "best" Glass components for a given application, you'll get (as it appears you've seen) a huge array of responses, all with much merit. What I've found very helpful, albeit very time consuming (OK by me!), is to ask here, learn here, and do the same on manufacturers' forums, while simultaneously poring over manufacturers' data and specs and asking local RV'ers, avionics pros and A&Ps. From that you'll gather facts (or at least claimed capabilities and interoperability info), real-world experience from others, and lot's of opinions. Condense those into what you feel would work for you, based on your airplane, flying experience, and planned mission/utilization, perhaps leaving a little room for growth in the latter two (so you don't do it again sooner that you want to or can afford).

My gut says that if you ask generically "what's best", you'll still be overwhelmed with the variety. If you ask specific Q's about how "this" works with "that", or how can I accomplish this or that, the really, REALLY smart and helpful folks watching here and elsewhere will provide you with great information (or links to it) to add to your decision-making matrix. I've done that, and have spent a lot of time talking with RV builders, A&P buddies, and others to learn more than I ever expected along the way.

Not sure if this helps, but I feel your quest, and if you want to talk specifics about what I chose and how I got there, shoot me a PM or e-mail, and I'm more that happy to discuss and share what I've learned along the way (original caveat still applies!) :)

Best of luck!

Bob Mills
"Rocket" RV-6
Come down here...

....Jason, and sit/fly in my buddy Brian's -4 with the D-180 in it. This has been a big educational experience for me...an old six-pack kinda guy.

I absolutely love the Dynon and the integration of GPS information on the HSI page/screen, including density altitude and TAS..simultaneously!
We're in Louisville, Ga (2J3) daily...yep Sundays too, after church....we're airplane lovers:)

Same boat- a little ahead of you.

Jason- My partner and I are in the same quandary- I'm an IT guy also and all the glass is so cool, Our purchased 6A has 6-pack steam and Vans gauges. But does have a tru-track AP. To narrow our choices we wanted AOA so Dynon and Advanced flight where the top contenders. So right now it's ditching the steam for weight reduction and going with a D-100 and garmin 430 swap out.....But this is all secondary: Flying a Vans is such an experience. This morning was my first left break to landing, Tower come on and said: "a good way to start the morning". :D:D So my suggestion is: concentrate on getting the airframe/engine you want. The panel planning my become a secondary (but more relaxed and joyful) experience.