Don Jones

Well Known Member
....created these adjustable wing supports. I know a block of would would work fine, but had the time to kill so why not:D



I checked out your web site, and you are quite the builder! I am sure that when you finish your RV-9, it will be an award winner!
How can you work in that shop? I have always thought that one just piled all his tools in middle of the floor. Have I been doing it wrong all these years?
Keep us posted on your progress!
That is all from ADD central.
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Wow, thanks

I checked out your web site, and you are quite the builder! I am sure that when you finish your RV-9, it will be an award winner!
How can you work in that shop? I have always thought that one just piled all his tools in middle of the floor. Have I been doing it wrong all these years?
Keep us posted on your progress!
That is all from ADD central.

Considering the company I am keeping here on VAF, I consider that a huge compliment.