
Well Known Member
This was my first trip to Oshkosh, so after walking a LONG way Sunday morning, I decided to grab a smart phone and turn on the pedometer. Sunday afternoon I walked 12.5 miles, 16.5 miles on Monday, and a whopping 19 miles on Tuesday. That did not include walking to the showers, bathrooms, and around the campsite. So easy to say I made more than 50 miles in three days. Needless to say, I slept very well every night. I read on the suggested items list that headphones or earbuds were nice to mute the sounds around the campsite, but I was unconscious and did not need any. :p
Had a wonderful time!
Ditto plus two morning I got in a run, the first one for 1 hr and 40 minutes and the second run for 45 minutes. I had no problems sleeping but I am a little sore and I have a blister on one toe :p
We've been staying in the dorms for about the last five years, but decided to camp with plane this year. Wx cooperated with nice days and cool nights. Would have been great except for the loud music coming from nearby HBC that lasted well into the night.:mad: What in the world was that?!?! And I wore ear plugs too!!!:cool:
Would have been great except for the loud music coming from nearby HBC that lasted well into the night.:mad: What in the world was that?!?! And I wore ear plugs too!!!:cool:

Early it was some sort of concert series across the highway. Then it was/is the nightly SOS Brother's live entertainment......
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Only did Saturday - Tuesday (departed Wednesday), but racked up 44.57 miles. In an interesting tech fail, the Fitbit records all the turbulence bumps - so I racked up a good 13,000 steps due to bumps on the trip out from Seattle. And there was a period where they were registered as at least moderate!
We were 12-14 miles Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, with slightly lower totals on Saturday and Wednesday, and not much walking at all this morning. Probably a total of 50 miles or so.
I walked an estimated 12 to 15 miles each day. My feet are still aching but fortunately have little to no blisters this year thanks to buying a new pair of good walking shoes and a package of extra thick socks especially for Oshkosh this year.

My iPhone shows about 60,000 steps from Saturday to Wednesday a.m..

Nothing like the iPhone to keep things moving!
for those of you with a bad elf pro, put it in data log mode and stick it in your pocket. you can then download it and see your path on google earth.
I came in at 60 for six days, but I had four 14 year old kids there. I would love to know how far they walked! Bet it was closer to 100.

Funny you ask. I also found myself keeping track after my pedometer app started giving me gold stars the first day or so. Then it became a bit of a challenge. High was 25,000 steps and 13 miles. Total over 5 days approx 60 miles.
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Over 26k on Monday and Wednesday, 16k Tuesday, left Thursday morning so I figure 2k a mile = 32miles
According to my iPhone, from Saturday - Friday: 66.3 miles

That doesn't include the walking I did after showing up on Friday afternoon.
Getting Old is not for Sissies!

I switched to a scooter a few years back for the older EAAer's I camp with.So I split my walking with rides to different areas then go on foot.Unless i need to get to hanger C bath rooms in a rush,I'm much better off walking.
A much wiser camper put me on to 1.clean feet 2. slather Vick's Vapor rub between my toes and on the bottom of my feet. 3. Invert a clean sock and rub out any toe jam lent. Insert into clean mesh top running shoe. I haven't had a blister in years,works like a charm.Now that you know......Keep it under your VAF hat its a trade secret.
Golf carts

Not all golf cart drivers were crazies. :)


Sure would be nice if they would offer rides. So many cruising around solo and elderly limping as the drive by. They could at least offer a short rude to where the stop or turn off.
Sure would be nice if they would offer rides. So many cruising around solo and elderly limping as the drive by. They could at least offer a short rude to where the stop or turn off.

I understand actually.

But if you see one with a sign on it sayiong something like:

EAA Board Member
Can I Give You a Ride?

You are very likely to get one if you show the least bit of sign of wanting one. Can't give a ride to everyone but I know that I try to keep my eyes open for someone that looks like they could really use one.

So, if you see me on a cart next year, shout out "Hey James! You promised me a ride!" An you will get one from me. I promise. :)


p.s. I cannot speak though for the other 99% of the cart drivers. :) :)
Been there but never measured the mileage but sure felt it at the end of a day at OSH. 12-16 miles a day will wear one down for sure.

By comparison the iPhone says I took 10,877 steps today with the usual 2 mile walk before breakfast and the rest of 4.54 miles in the hangar putting the 8 back together with an EI install.

That's going slow - heat index was 108 this afternoon.
EAA Board Member
Can I Give You a Ride?

So, if you see me on a cart next year, shout out "Hey James! You promised me a ride!" An you will get one from me. I promise. :)

I remember seeing you! But you were going the opposite way. :D