
Well Known Member
I must share my frustration. :)

I've been working on my Instrument Rating for just over a year. Finally, I went to take my checkride Sunday at 10AM. Everything was going great. My oral portion went off without a hitch. First approach was a partial panel VOR approach. Next was unusual attitudes. Next we did holding patterns. Finally we're down to the ILS approach.

No I didn't bust the ILS portion of the checkride. The glideslope indicator in the 172 we were using became INOP on the approach. We've got to have a precision approach to complete the checkride, so flying it to Localizer mins wouldn't qualify.

No problem, we returned to the airport and yesterday we took another 172 out for the ILS. We flew down to Sugarland and were vectored on the inbound course. ONCE AGAIN, the glideslope is dead on that one too!!! Good grief! :eek: :eek:

So now I'm in a holding pattern with my checkride. I'm literally one approach away from having that coveted rating.

It doesn't look like my schedule will allow for me to get back in the air until next Tues. I've reserved a different plane (one I know well) and I'll take a shot at the approach. In the mean-time, I'll just wonder what could have been. :)

BTW - The place I rented the planes from didn't charge me. Thought that was kinda cool. :cool:

WOW... that really stinks!

Hang in there Phil. Your so close now. Just think how its going to feel once you make it. Crazy you got 2 planes with the problem. Makes ya wonder about the rental market huh.:eek:
Are you taking your ride with the FAA or a designee? I would think if the guy was a human being, he would give you a little break and call it a day, and a ticket. Having just taken and passed my second IFR ticket (see the story about Darwin Barrie, I am the "other guy"), I know how frustrating it can be. Hang in there, and remember, if it happens again, to announce your failure to ATC (your examiner), if you didn't before. My examiner was real big on that. Fortunately I remembered when he "failed" my instruments.....hope this helps.
Years Ago....

....In a galaxy not that far from yours (Houston, actually!), I was taking my instrument check ride in my little Grumman Yankee with a wonderful lady who was based at Hobby. We completed the entire check ride except for the ILS, and she "negotiated" with approach to fit us into a slot for 12R at Hobby. I got on the localizer and waited for the glideslope....which nave came in. Finally, she had me take the hood off, and we we overhead Hobby at 2000'. "Well, at least I didn't let down without the ride guidance!" I offered....

Full of understanding, she suggested that I could show her an ILS in their simulator (some sort of Frasca twin I had never seen before). She sat me down and said "play with it until you feel comfortable, then give me a call." I got the feel of it, called her back in, shot one ILS, and walked out with my ticket.

I love someone that is reasonably flexible....but then ,that was back in the days when flexibility was allowed.....

Hang in there Phil - you'll get it!

Perhaps there are forces at work here, who know better than to fly where you cant see where you are going.:eek:

I must share my frustration. :)

No I didn't bust the ILS portion of the checkride. The glideslope indicator in the 172 we were using became INOP on the approach.

ONCE AGAIN, the glideslope is dead on that one too!!! Good grief! :eek: :eek:

In the infamous words of the incomparable Yogi Berra, "That is too much of a coincidence to be a coincidence."

Sounds trivial but did you identify the station? Confirm the ILS was working at the airport at the time? On my checkride, before Glenn, I was so amped up I forgot to ID the GS/LOC frequency. Everything worked great but he did mention on the ground after the ride. I did check the airport for Class D Notams before going to make sure it was up. Later on a VOR approach, I remembered to ID.

It is easy to miss those things that were simple and routine under the pressure of the ride. I was able to brief Glenn to remember to do that before his ride:) He probably would have forgot:)

At least you only have to do the ILS, probably the easiest thing on the ride. Good luck and congrats. You'll treasure the rating.'re almost there

Hang in there, you'll get it, and the last and final checkride will be almost anticlimatic for you. Then you'll be on the road to enjoying your airplane in a whole new way, and one that makes it far more useful.

Planning a cross country and playing chess enroute with mother nature to assure a safe outcome of the flight is very very satisfying for me.

I fly a GA aircraft (soon to be replaced by my -8) on business 200+ hours a year. Rarely do I have to spend a night in a hotel due to Wx. You will be amazed at your new found flexibility for travel.

Be safe, study the Wx, and build on your comfort level in tiny steps.

Art Treff
N666AT "Lil Snorkey"
RV-8 Fastback

But that is why I did all my training in the RV...I.e it will be airplane I'm using( despite he fact the thing is a real handful least when not using the autopilot), The equipment is brand new and therefore more likely to actually work!

Besides the DE was Very impressed with the RV..the way I had to start pulling power, prop pitch and mixture to avoid blowing the 3000' limit on the departure certainly got his attention.

"Wow, this thing moves" I think he said..:)

Hang in there, your one flight away from some of the most stressful flying you will ever do...:)

Is there any place locally with a PAR? That'd be a nice backup for your precision approach if the FAA guy is cool with it.
Thanks for the encouraging words. Many of you are right, now it won't be nearly as big of a deal when it's all finished.

As far as the problem, it wasn't a ground-based problem or operator error. The glideslope just didn't work. There are no NOTAMS, other planes were flying it, I asked the controller what it showed on the GS monitor, and identified it. Everything is fine, but the plane isn't.

We're setup for next tuesday. I'm was renting some planes from a different place than normal. On Tuesday, I'm going back to my regular place and flying one of theirs to pickup the examiner.

It won't be long and it'll be behind us. :cool: