hummm, I looked at your paint scheme and you will be shocked to see mine.

I am expected to bring her home this weekend and once it is assembled I will post pictures.

It is exciting times indeed.
Jonathan and his team at Evoke/Plane Schemers is as good as it gets.

Prepare to be amazed at the attention to detail and the quality of the finished product. I know we were.

Here's the scheme - the colors are candy apple red, black, silver, all with a subtle metal flake (it looks white in the pic but it's silver).

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That's going to be a great looking RV14.
I wish the canopy on the real plane looked like the one in the picture. Maybe someone will develop an aftermarket one of these days. :)
That looks fantastic - I can't wait to see the final product!

I've spoken with Jonathan about doing my -14A when it's ready late next year or early 2020 and am really looking forward to working with him.
I've spoken with Jonathan about doing my -14A when it's ready late next year or early 2020 and am really looking forward to working with him.

Jonathan and crew are awesome to work with. I'm probably a pain in the arse constantly asking for updates and showing up unexpectedly (they are only about 20 minutes from me). Very friendly, professional, and most importantly willing to communicate. These guys really love what they do, you can tell.

If any of you visit, PM me and I'll meet you at the fantastic Colombian restaurant just off the airport, it's delicious :p
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Looks awesome, I'm guessing the junior guy got the coveted lay on your back and shoot the belly job...
Pools Beautiful Bill ! Hope to see it around the Southeast fly-ins and hopefully up at OSH.... Dang did I just bring up OSH already in November :rolleyes: , I'm having OSH withdraws :D
Please let us know how much weight you will end up adding to the elevator for balancing it.

They were spot on from the build and I've been flying ... I'm not expecting to have to adjust further .. but not quite there yet so will let you know :D
They were spot on from the build and I've been flying ...

I haven't weigh mine, but expect one to be heavier due to additional hardware (trim tab & motor). Did you reduce the E-614 counter weights to have the two elevators balanced? Or how did you balanced the elevators.. thanks.

BTW.. nice plane & paint.
I haven't weigh mine, but expect one to be heavier due to additional hardware (trim tab & motor). Did you reduce the E-614 counter weights to have the two elevators balanced? Or how did you balanced the elevators.

Mine were so close there was no reason to add/remove weight. I did shave the weights to fit, perhaps I just got lucky. Curious what the paint will do, I suspect not much.

Is elevator balance on the 14 something that builders are chasing around?

Knocking on wood .. mine flew true very first flight. The only issue I had with trim was after I installed the nose wheel pant, it caused some pull to one side in flight. I had to re-torque the axel nut, apparently it wears in a bit and loosens up.
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Mine were so close there was no reason to add/remove weight. I did shave the weights to fit, perhaps I just got lucky. Curious what the paint will do, I suspect not much.

Is elevator balance on the 14 something that builders are chasing around?

Knocking on wood .. mine flew true very first flight. The only issue I had with trim was after I installed the nose wheel pant, it caused some pull to one side in flight. I had to re-torque the axel nut, apparently it wears in a bit and loosens up.

But the axel nut doesn't act on wheel pant !? Did you have a 1/4 of ball ?

As for mine, when I trim well in the final with full flaps, the elevator requires great effort at go-around until the trim return to TO position. May be I have to land with flaps on TO when I go around.;)
But the axel nut doesn't act on wheel pant !? Did you have a 1/4 of ball ?

If I understand you, yes, that's what was happening. The cause is/was the prop wash pushes the nose wheel pant to the side causing some drag, tightening it up fixes it.
Checking in

Bill glad to see the end is in sight. I ordered my tail kit/ cone a few weeks ago and will begin construction in January @Synergy in Newnan. Looking forward to the build- JT / HSV