
Well Known Member
We had some great weather about a week ago in Seattle, so a couple of us took the opportunity to fly over the pass. Not often this time of year can you get over the Cascades in smaller planes. We decided on lunch over to Desert Aire. Great little private strip on the Columbia River just north/west of the Hanford Reach. Jeff took some great photos of Bekah and I over the mountains, and also got some good ones on the ground in Desert Aire. You can see more full size pics on my blog.


Ya that trip was a blast! Sure glad we squeezed it in before this long grind of crummy NW weather.

Not many of my pictures are that good Steve, but next time up I'll definitely try and get some of your 9.
Great pics and way to go on your blog

Great pics and very motivating for me at the fuselage stage. Hope to have her in the air late Aug 2015.

I especially read your blog on why the RV and why the RV7, i went through the same process and was glad to see I had company. Enjoy , enjoy and know I am green with envy, lets meet in the Canadian Rockies sometime?:)