
Active Member
Thinking about going down to SNF. Specifically to see EFIS systems, instrumentation, panel makers and engine makers to make final decisions about panel and engine.

Is it worth going? Will enough of them be there?

I'd like to see a bunch of RVs to get ideas, but if they aren't there, it won't be a loss.

Not being able to get to see all the products LIVE would make the trip worthless.

Let me know your thoughts!
Name, please...

Hi Nc,
Trust me.....there'll probably be 50 RV's, plus Lancairs, Glassairs, Eze's, big numbers of Warbirds, Spitfire, antique's and more and more vendors than you could imagine, including more than likely, Van himself and the crew. All the biggies go there...Dynon, Bose, Lycoming, Cirrus, get the idea...only the biggest "happenin' " in the Southeast every year!

If you're flying in your personal airplane, download the approach procedures from their web site because you won't get a chance to speak to them, only's very, very busy. It's probably too late to get a motel reservation in Lakeland now but you can try some of the outlying nearby towns,

Hi Nc,
It's probably too late to get a motel reservation in Lakeland now but you can try some of the outlying nearby towns,


I can't think of any vendors that don't go to SnF.

There are rooms available, but the locals love to rip off SnF (vacationers) attendees so make sure you know your room & rental car rate for the entire stay. Get it in writing. Room rate typically jump 120% during this week. Lock your room tight, take your cash & valuables with you, lock them in your car. There are a lot of transients, drugs and associated crime in this area. Don't stay at the Crossroads Motel.
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If your going to look at airplanes do that each day in the morning because by early afternoon they shut the flight line down for that same boring drug out airshow. So thats the time to hit the vendors. Each year I go, I tell myself I'm not going back next year. But I have no will power and I love airplanes so I'll be there again this year, I hope only for a few days and then where going on vacation to see the rest of the state and look at airparks. I also believe that SNF is catering more to the certified aircraft each year. IMHO.
Steve Raddatz
There are always rooms available, but the locals love to rip off SnF (vacationers) attendees so make sure you know your room & rental car rate for the entire stay. Get it in writing. Room rate typically jump 120% during this week.
I can't over emphasize this. I've had them argue with me even when I had it in writing. They say things like "You must have been talking to the wrong people. We can't possibly honor that rate. Pay us what we ask and we'll work it out later." Sure they will.
YES - it's worth it. And if you order items there you'll often get a discount or extra things thrown in.

You can stay an hour away in Tampa or Orlando - I use for most of my hotel stays in the US - always the best rates at good hotels. The only draw back is once the room is booked you can't cancel.

Enjoy the show!

It's worth it! I'm lucky to have friends to stay with on the East Side of Tampa not far off the Freeway. I fly into Vandenberg Field and rent a car there. Good FBO and Car Rental right in the terminal.

Another plus in my view, there's less of a chance of getting killed by some idiot that doesn't follow the NOTAM and isn't current since he only flies twice a year; SNF and OSH!;)
haha. I wondered if I was the only one that did that. As soon as they start the airshow I hit the vendors.

I'll won't be able to make it this year. First year in many years of not going but I'd say it's worth it. Especially if you live in the southeast.

If your going to look at airplanes do that each day in the morning because by early afternoon they shut the flight line down for that same boring drug out airshow. So thats the time to hit the vendors. Each year I go, I tell myself I'm not going back next year. But I have no will power and I love airplanes so I'll be there again this year, I hope only for a few days and then where going on vacation to see the rest of the state and look at airparks. I also believe that SNF is catering more to the certified aircraft each year. IMHO.
Steve Raddatz
I think it's worth it for the planning and purchase phases of building. I stayed at Disney World and drove over everyday. It was much better for the family. I also stayed at a golf resort about thirty miles away. The drive there really isn't too bad. The only way I will go this year is if my plane is flying and the 40 hours are flown off. Probably not going to happen though!
I thought I was the only one who thought the airshow was boring.

Exactly. I think this is one opportunity frequently missed for attracting people to aviation. I don't really like the show either. Some of the acts are good, and it's fun to watch some of our local guys do their acro routines. Still, it seems like a lot of the airshow is repeated, etc. For example, it would be very easy for some of the regular attenders here to list from memory the acts that will be there.

It's always interesting to see the new $$$cool$$$ toys when there. This year my eye will be on collision avoidance gadgets.

One thing that hasn't been mentioned is the dust. I don't know what the deal is, but the soil there is really sandy and dirty all at the same time. Your feet and legs will get nasty. Your plane will too if you fly it there.

My plan is to go down for one day only, then over to visit some friends near Orlando.
Just as an FYI, this year if you're there for the last few days of SnF the Thunderbirds are scheduled to at least there will be one part of the airshow that will be worth watching :)

I agree with's worth going. It's no Oshkosh, but it's still a great show.
I have gone to SNF every year since 2000. Last year was my first flying in. I will continue going because 1) It is close and 2) it comes at the time of year when the wx is warming up and you get that whole springtime/renewal feeling thing.
I take a cursory look through the vendor buildings but don't have the patience to wade through crowds of people to see and touch the latest aviation doo-dads. I just like to pick up free stuff!
The best part of SNF for me is watching and listening to arriving aircraft. The variety which taxi by is always a site as the biplanes sail overhead on approach to the grass strip where they give rides.
Vintage aircraft are also a favorite of mine as well as attending some of the forums. This year I want to learn about welding and fabric covering and see some wood building techniques.
Last year I took my 11 y.o. son and we camped there for a couple nights. We even took a biplane ride in a 1928 New Standard.
This year we will do the same in, set up camp, eat, walk around, get freebies, eat, rest,...etc. Will probably do the biplane thing again, take advantage of the free shuttle service (saves a bunch of walking), take the hayride tour with Gerry Chancey, watch the airshow. Best of all, it's all about dad and his boy! :)
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I have never been to SnF so take this for what it's worth. The reason I nixed it as one of my 'have to do's' is because it seems the same 'negative' aspects of SnF keep coming up from many folks that have been there and probably wont go back because of it. The 'locals will rip you off', 'dont leave anything worth taking in your room', 'dusty and dirty', 'the airshow sucks', 'keep telling myself I'll never go back' ect, ect, comments are too commonly reported for me to bother spending my time and money to go there. I could be wrong, it could be a great time, like I said I've never been there for the reasons I have mentioned, but just be aware of the comments folks are saying after going there themselves.

Certainly, if you have to choose one, SnF or Osh, it's Oshkosh hands down.

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I havn't been in about eight years, but always had a good time there. It's like most other big events, expect to pay high prices for food and drink and admission. Still not as bad as at a football game for example. Some people will bitch about anything, if you want to enjoy yourself, you will. In the past we've stayed in Winter Haven, Plant City, Lakeland and under the wing on the field, all were good. Best time to see venders is later in the week during the air show.
Rent a house and go!

I go almost every year and take the family. We rent a house for 80-120 per night. We go to SNF 2 days, theme parts 2 days, and hang at the private pool at the house for a few days. Looks like the below house is up for rent during SNF.

Lakeland Superb Golf Home at Huntington Hills Lakeland Florida [#36398] 3
3BR/2BA (Sleeps 6) $110 or ?60nt - $3400/mo (Winter) US $/Pounds

I've attended all but two of the last 13 SnF's and plan on attending this year too. I don't go to fly-in's for the airshow. I've seen all that stuff before. I go to meet people, drink a beer with friends I don't get to spend enough time with, see the latest products (occasionally I even buy something), and to look at all the neat aircraft.

Sure, the dirt is gritty, but the tent stakes and tie-downs go in much easier than Oshkosh, where the ground can be like 2" of hardpan over a 6" concrete base.
Don't let the negatives stop you ...

I have never been to SnF so take this for what it's worth. The reason I nixed it as one of my 'have to do's' is because it seems the same 'negative' aspects of SnF keep coming up from many folks that have been there and probably wont go back because of it. The 'locals will rip you off', 'dont leave anything worth taking in your room', 'dusty and dirty', 'the airshow sucks', 'keep telling myself I'll never go back' ect, ect, comments are too commonly reported for me to bother spending my time and money to go there. I could be wrong, it could be a great time, like I said I've never been there for the reasons I have mentioned, but just be aware of the comments folks are saying after going there themselves.

Certainly, if you have to choose one, SnF or Osh, it's Oshkosh hands down.


On a question like this, it is often more likely that the negative responses are the ones posted most readily.

Sure there is some dust. Sure it costs too much. But it is one of the largest and one of the best "airshows" around.

Yes it used to be better. But it is still great if you let it be for you. There is so much to do and see. And just the "spirit of aviation" that you feel in the air makes it worth it for some of us.

Of course I am a bit closer, it seems that you are. Consider giving it a try if you can work it out.

p.s. I have stayed in the best hotels, the worst hotels and camped. For the last 3-4 years, I have camped with friends and enjoyed it.
Forget the whiners, You can't miss Sun-N-Fun

In 1981 I moped around the house, telling my wife that I wish I could go to Sun-N-Fun one day. She told me to get off my duff and just go. I did. I have not missed one since then. The first few years, I drove there. When my kids got over the age of three, we started a family tradition and flew there in the trusty Skyhawk, camping out under the wing. Now, my kids are grown and they really miss our time together at the flyin. Those who whine about the high prices and the dust are missing the real point. Like Oshkosh, you go to the show for the people. You get to walk around some truly beautiful airplanes and meet the most amazing people who own and fly them. One year, Chuck Yeager and Bud Anderson showed up and were admiring some mustangs painted like Glamorous Glen and Old Crow. Well, one thing led to another and the owners offered for the two to saddle up and fly the replicas of their old mounts. The plan was for them to do a few laps of the field for the crowd and then land. As soon as the pair took off, however, they maintained about 10 feet of altitude down the runway, sucking up the gear and accelerating. At the end of the field, they barely popped over the tree line and no one saw them again for about an hour and a half. God knows what they did during that time, but they straggled back, bingo fuel, and could not stop laughing as they crawled out of the cockpits. In the 25+ years I have had the privilege of attending Sun-N-Fun, I have experienced countless wonderful moments like that one. Do whatever you have to do. Beg, borrow or steal a ride to Lakeland. Spend more than one or two days there. Open your eyes and your heart to the wonderful people God has assembled there for you to meet and enjoy. You will never regret it.

I wouldn't bad mouth SNF to someone who has never been there, because they might like it. I have been going to SNF ever since it has started, back in the seventies, over 30 years ago and I still enjoy it. Sure there is sand, thats Florida, sure beats ice and snow. I have been to Oshkosh and there isn't a whole lot of difference, same vendors, same high priced food, and same airshow performers. Flying in is not much of a problem if you follow instructions, and read the NOTAMS before hand. There is so much todo in the Lakeland area. I don't see how anyone can become bored, Disney, Fantasy of Flight, Golfing, Fishing, great places to eat, also Tampa is a very exciting place to go, only 30 miles away.
RV-9, N92GC
J-3 Cub, NC88583
Go and have fun.

If nothing else, you will meet a lot of cool RV people there and that alone will be worth the trip.

Bummer I won't be able to make this year. I will be working the weekend before, the week of, and the weekend after. :(
I've been to SNF 8 out of the last 10 years and have flown in about half of them.

Bottom line:
All the vendors will be there with great deals and willing to bargain.
Sand & dirt? I haven't been to any of these events were you didn't have to deal with it. Try Copperstate, you get sand blasted there.
The warbird show is excellent.
Regarding hotels and safety, any cheap hotel in the US you have to be aware of thieves and scumbags. Get a reputable hotel.

SNF is a great time. You'll enjoy it.
I have never been to SnF so take this for what it's worth. The reason I nixed it as one of my 'have to do's' is because it seems the same 'negative' aspects of SnF keep coming up from many folks that have been there and probably wont go back because of it. The 'locals will rip you off', 'dont leave anything worth taking in your room', 'dusty and dirty', 'the airshow sucks', 'keep telling myself I'll never go back' ect, ect, comments are too commonly reported for me to bother spending my time and money to go there. I could be wrong, it could be a great time, like I said I've never been there for the reasons I have mentioned, but just be aware of the comments folks are saying after going there themselves.

Certainly, if you have to choose one, SnF or Osh, it's Oshkosh hands down.


Sorry but after reading your post, why comment on SNF if you've never been?
I've never been to Oshkosh, although I've heard many negatives. Thunderstorms winds, rain, accidents...
Someday, I would still like to attend.
Sorry but after reading your post, why comment on SNF if you've never been?
I've never been to Oshkosh, although I've heard many negatives. Thunderstorms winds, rain, accidents...
Someday, I would still like to attend.

Hi Dan, thats a fair question, I'll try to answer it.

Like Oshkosh, SnF was definitily an airshow I didn't want to miss. Living on the west coast the time and expense to go to either is a major undertaking for me so I need to be sure the experience will more than likely be a very good one.

The above negative comments were made by other people, not myself. People that have been there and have had these experiences first hand. The same type of negative comments (among others) about SnF that I have read several times before on this Forum and others. I trust the opinions of those on this Forum enough to make an informed decision based on their own experiences at SnF as to whether it's an airshow I'm confident in enough to justify my time off work and large expense for what hopefully will be a great time. For myself, if I feel if there are too many negative comments about an event then I'd rather save my precious vacation time and money for something else.

I appreciate folks here being honest enough to relate their bad and their good experiences that way we all keep well informed. If I myself asked this Forum whether it was worth going to a particular airshow I would hope to hear from both sides, including those not in favor, why they felt that way, and whether they had actually been to SnF or not (which I made sure I prefaced my reply with 'I have never been to SnF so take this for what it's worth') so as to make an informed decision on whether to go, or not.

I also recognize that having not been there myself I'm trusting the opinions of others, hence the 'I could be wrong, it could be a great time, like I said I've never been there for the reasons I have mentioned, but just be aware of the comments folks are saying after going there themselves' comment.

I'm sure Ncarmon can decide whether the negatives outweigh the positives or not and if he does decide to go I sincerely hope he does indeed have a great time.

I have been to both, many times

I suggest a newbie choose one or the other based on ease of access and personal schedule. The same vendors appear at each. The air shows are similiarly boring if you are not into them. ( I thought the SNF show was different enought to enjoy the viewing ). SNF is the only place I have seen night aerobatics.

In regards to dirt. Yes, the sand is fine grained so that makes it "soft". Since I generally like to camp, I didn't even notice it other than as an interesting artifact that makes SNF dirt different than OSH dirt. I much prefer the SNF dirt to the OSH storms. :p

I find the vendors much easier to access and hold lengthy conversations with at SNF simply due to smaller crowds.

Not trying to knock OSH since it is the grandaddy and great fun, but SNF is a lot of fun too. Sure, SNF is a bit smaller, so space ship one will not be there, but if you live in the southeast, its ease of access is hard to beat. For me it's kinda like OSH "back in the day" when it was smaller.
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I thought I was the only one who thought the airshow was boring.

I do that at OSH. I might watch a small portion of the airshow, just to see, if by chance someone has come up with some kind of new manuver or something, which, most of the time they haven't,:eek: then "run off" to see the vendors $$$$$$$:D & visit with folks.

Marshall Alexander
Been to both, it's a tie.

Some friend and I flew to SnF last year. For us it was more about the flight down and back, then the actual event. I live 70 miles away from OSH, so I don't get to experience the "pilgrimage" aspect when traveling to OSH. I had heard and read many negative things before getting to SnF, which was unfortunate because I really enjoyed the event and recommend it. It has many advantages over OSH.

Palm trees on the grounds.
Much (MUCH) better food options than OSH, and I felt the prices weren't OSH outrageous.
Smaller crowds made it much easier to have good discussions with vendors.
Forum crowds smaller.
Nicer weather (at least last year)
A lot less walking.
#1 advantage over OSH - they serve BEER on the grounds, which greatly enhances the otherwise boring air show;^)

Speaking of air shows - I agree they get boring. How many times can a person watch an overpowered extra performing the same maneuvers. I'm sure those pilots are extremely talented and I have a lot of respect for them, but their routines all blend together. What I like to see is a talented pilot piloting a run of the mill aircraft - like the cub or Beech[craft] 18 routines. I have no desire to witness an accident so I don't like watching routines like the masters of disaster. And I have no interest in Jet powered semi's.

I just wish airfare round trip from Madison to Tampa wasn't $200, so I could justify flying there myself.

Todd N.
Second everything Todd said. And having tried all the options over the years, camping under the wing is the best. If a buddy has the right airplane, camp under the wing in the antique-classic area because of the location. Just get a spot away from the gate guard with the generator.

For an airplane nut, very few things in life are better than the first 1/2 hour of a Florida spring day, hot coffee in hand, sun peeking up and the sky turning colors....just listening to the airplane sounds as the place comes alive.
SNF and OSH are marketing extravaganzas with lots of nice airplanes to look at, air shows every day, sometimes the Beach Boys and great airplane people to visit with.

It is always fun and there is never a lack of stuff to look at and dream about. All it takes is money and time......:)
Gary Bricker

Unlike many others I have not had a bad experence, but I stay in Orlando. Lots of good hotels and fine restaurants. My wife won't go to Osh for these reasons. There are plenty of venders like Osh. You might check with AeroSport Power. I'm not sure if they will be there. It is a long way from Canada. I will be there along with many others from TEX with RV's
This is an interesting topic to me.
Although I have attended about 8 times in the past,
I have not been to SnF for the last 5 years.

I was concerned about the new policy by SnF of letting
people in for $5.00 later in the day, but it has not been
mentioned as a problem.

I agree about the dirty sand and always wiped my plane off
early in the day while the dew was still on.

All in all, I have enjoyed SnF in the past and would go again,
Florida Vacation

I?m sorry to hear about the local hotels playing games with the rates?

FYI, the I-4 corridor has tons of hotels outside of the SNF area that should be considered. I-4 provides easy quick access to areas both east and west of Lakeland I second the Tampa and Orlando areas as good locations for alternate lodging. If flying, you can arrive at Vandenberg (VDF) and stay at the Hard Rock Casino Hotel nearby. There is also Busch Gardens, Disney, Universal, Sea World, etc, and their associated hotels. Even if you stay in Cocoa Beach, you would only be 1.5-2 hours from SNF (Beach Line to I-4).

There are lots to do in Florida, and if you are traveling a long distance to visit SNF, you might as well enjoy some of the other attractions Florida has to offer.
I?m sorry to hear about the local hotels playing games with the rates?

FYI, the I-4 corridor has tons of hotels outside of the SNF area that should be considered. I-4 provides easy quick access to areas both east and west of Lakeland I second the Tampa and Orlando areas as good locations for alternate lodging. If flying, you can arrive at Vandenberg (VDF) and stay at the Hard Rock Casino Hotel nearby. There is also Busch Gardens, Disney, Universal, Sea World, etc, and their associated hotels. Even if you stay in Cocoa Beach, you would only be 1.5-2 hours from SNF (Beach Line to I-4).There are lots to do in Florida, and if you are traveling a long distance to visit SNF, you might as well enjoy some of the other attractions Florida has to offer.

The last time I went to SNF I flew into Merrit Island (one of the my favorites). It really wasn't that bad of a drive. For some it is the same time as their commute to work each day.
SNF Great Value

I go to SNF every year, despite my insane airline work sked. I have driven and flown, wx and other factors considered, so can comment on both.

Generally, I think the fly in arrival at LAL is far less orderly than the std VFR arrival at OSH. Aircraft are entering the arrival at the power plant fm every direction, not just fm the east. Airspeed/altitudes are all over the place. Be VERY careful on this arrival. I speak relative to approx 20+ arrivals at OSH vs 3-4 at LAL.

The ground is rock hard at OSH, never noticed sand/dust at LAL. Who cares, except trying to get the corkscrew tie downs in can be a B!@#$. Buy the claw system and be done with it. When you get back home, buy a water wand, wash airplane in 10-15 minutes.

The people that attend LAL, visitors, vendors, etc., are a great crowd. It is a welcome break fm the barren wasteland of South FL (LAL is N central FL), and in particular MIA, where I do my airline gig.

Every major vendor, and most minor vendors, is/are there. Great show prices on GPS units, gadgets, gizmos, tools, accys, etc. Food reasonably priced. See that prospective purchase up close. WTB/FS bulletin boards.

Airshow? Gee at OSH last year they had the F-22....P-51s and B-17s....Sean Tucker...etc...boring? Whatever. Guess they make it all look too easy? Usually LAL will have military flight demos also as well as some very talented civilian performers. It IS a good time to hit the vendors/exhibits as most attendees are watching the airshow........Really miss the Jimmy Franklin show, RIP.

This year I may take the motorhome to LAL, as camping on site really adds to overall experience, what we (family) do at OSH every year as well.

Places to stay? I can't imagine SNF even puts a dent into hotel avail in greater MCO or TPA area. Get a hotel in either area and drive in daily. Look up other attracions and there are many.

SNF happens at the current price due to lots of volunteers, and good attendance rates. Great time for all.