
Well Known Member
Congratulation to Sam and Rose Hodges from Dawson Springs, KY
SNF Best Auto Engine Homebuilt 2016
First time attending SnF!



It is a 05' Mazda 13b Renesis Rotary Engine - Very good looking FWF install!


Hi Bobby,

Thanks for posting the notice. I mentioned their win in the SNF thread, but didn't have the excellent pics of the FWF.

and for us oooooollllllldddddd guys....

...the commercial, what, circa 1973???

"...piston engine goes boing boing boing boing....
but the Mazda goes............hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!"

the rotary engine is here to stay!!!! :D

( caution, fabulous sexist content! as per the norm, still, in auto advertising!....some things just never change!)
I saw this airplane at SUN-n-FUN. Good looking bird and that engine was a pretty amazing piece of work. Congrats!
Good on them

Great to see another Kentucky boy do good. Maybe I'll get to see it/them at Rough River sometime.
Sam doesn't spend much time on internet lists & forums, but he did tell me that he has a little less than 200 hrs on it now. He's flown it down to MS to visit us here at Slobovia, and IIRC, multiple times into the upper midwest. It's not a hangar queen.
