
Legacy Member
Late in the week I discovered that most those wonderful people who help with homebuilt camping have never been up in a small plane before. Heck, any plane for that matter.

Next year, let’s see if we can’t get them all a ride before the end of the week. So, when you taxi in and someone hands you beer as you are tieing down, remember to offer them a ride.

In case you are worried about getting in and out of SnF, I gave a demo ride first thing Saturday morning and it was easy to get out and back in, and the air was smooth and cool to boot.
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good idea

I was in the Red tailed RV-7A parked 3 down from you in HBC. You have a good idea there my friend. Smitty and his family are some of the nicest, most hospitable folks I have ever met. They are one of the main reasons my son and I fly down from Ohio each year to the show. A payback is definitely in order.

You can count on my right seat being open for rides for them next year. How about we work together to assemble a list of ride pilots as the time draws near for 2010. We can match pilots to riders when we get down there.

Still smiling from the trip!

Jeff - Tiffin OH
Still smiling from the trip!


You had a very nice -7A, I enjoyed looking it over. It was good meeting you and your son. Next year I hope to bring my wife and son in our three seat -9. Of course, Fred and Pam might have to help out with their Super Rebel.

You have a very good idea regarding making a list and trying to create a schedule of some kind.

I'm not real good with names but the guy from Canada who was there helping has never flown a plane with a stick was very interested in the process of building an RV, how they flew, etc.

Yep, we owe those good people a ride. That is the least we can do. They are just the best.
Late in the week I discovered that most those wonderful people who help with homebuilt camping have never been up in a small plane before. Heck, any plane for that matter.

Next year, let?s see if we can?t get them all a ride before the end of the week. So, when you taxi in and someone hands you beer as you are tieing down, remember to offer them a ride.

In case you are worried about getting in and out of SnF, I gave a demo ride first thing Saturday morning and it was easy to get out and back in, and the air was smooth and cool to boot.
We are starting "Fly the Members" days at our EAA Chapter 21 Saturday meetings. The members with planes fly the members without planes. Chapter provides the burgers, brats and drinks, significant others bring covered dish for the pot luck lunch and everybody just has a good time flying and hanging out at the airport.