
Unrepentant fanboy
I'm looking for a supplier for snap bushings to run the wing wiring in my wing, I've got 3/4" holes for conduit and also 5/8" holes that I intended to put plastic snap bushings into for additional wire and/or pullstring for future use. Is this something I can find in the Aviation Electrical department at Lowes, or is there a specific aircraft industry vendor that carries them?

Heyco is the snap bushing of choice for our experimental purposes. Van's includes various sizes of the ubiquitous snap bushing in the major sub kits. Heyco snap bushings can be purchased from a wide variety of retail sources including Aircraft Spruce although their selection choices are limited. Simply Google "Heyco snap bushing" for much more in-depth information and sources of supply.
Aircraft Components and Equip

AKA ACE hardware. They have a great supply of snap bushings and many other appropriate goodies to assist through the project.