
Well Known Member
I'm deburring wing nose ribs. Do I need to carefully sand in between the forward rib mini flanges. You know they look like teeth? If I need to sand in there to remove burr or smooth things out, how did you do it? Emory dental floss? thanks:)
get some emory fold in half or a small half round file in there and then use the maroon pads. boring and slow, i know. and yes thats how you floss them.
Straight from Gus at Van's (paraphrase):

Don't bother flossing these teeth. Focus more on making the nose of the ribs smoothly rounded by sanding with a bench sander (carefully!). Some of the teeth will be thin in spots, but the ribs will fit smoothly in the skins.


one of the best tipps I got here:

use the dremel tool with a screw-on mandrel, a piece of 3M cut- and polishing wheel, shape it (on another cut- and polishing wheel) into a conical form and you can deburr almost anything. There was a video somewhere in this forum but I could't find it again the last time I looked for it.
In the video the guy cut a used 1" wheel in quarters with a hacksaw, that works fine. Just srew it on the mandrel, let it spin with littel rpm, hold it to the (spinning) "big" wheel and shape it. That's exactly the way I do it, with the exeption that I started to cut up new 1" wheels. One 1" wheel equals 8 for the dremel.
