
Well Known Member

I presently have 1M/100k coverage on my Vans RV-7A. I am 48 years old, have 1800 hours total and 240 hours in type, with commercial and instrument ratings. Falcon just quoted me $938 to renew coverage through Global Aerospace, which seems reasonable in light of the current market. Of that, $121 is for liability and $817 is for damage, with a $130k hull value.

I ask my agent each year about what it would take to qualify for $1M smooth liability coverage, and am told I'm not yet qualified but never get a clear response about what qualifications would be required.

Can anyone in this group share your experience about whether experimental pilots can get $1M smooth coverage at a reasonable rate these days, what qualifications are required, and who sells it?

Thank you,

Ok, I'll be the first ... define "smooth coverage" :confused:
Smooth Limits — some aircraft insurance policies contain a smooth limit, which is a combined single limit that applies to all bodily injury and property damage that arises out of a single occurrence. A smooth limit offers flexibility as it applies to any combination of third-party bodily injury, bodily injury to passengers, or property damage. The OP's current policy pays a maximum of $100k to each passenger to a maximum of $million. A $million smooth policy would could pay up to a $million to any passenger or combination of passengers up to a $million total.
“Smooth” is slang for “combined single limit”. e.g., no per-person sub-limits, such as the common $100K per passenger.
To the OP: CSL is very hard to find in the current EAB market. Last summer, I was offered a renewal on my $1M CSL policy, but told that if I ‘dropped back’, I would not be offered it again. I dropped back; rate was too much ($2800, incl $145K hull) but the real concern is that that company was getting out of EAB entirely. So I could see the handwriting on the wall.
smooth Insurance limits

My broker told me that no insurance company is offering smooth limits of one million on experimental aircraft.
Same here

I’ve also had zero luck getting $1MM smooth. Was able to get it in my Warrior, with several hundred fewer hours, but that’s been a while.

My broker told me that no insurance company is offering smooth limits of one million on experimental aircraft.
I tried to get smooth limits for yesrs. Falcon was able to get $1M smooth from USAIG for my RV10 starting in 2016. USAIG has continued to let me renew it each year, but Falcon told me USAIG are no longer offering new smooth policies for EABs.