

Im in the process of installing a smokingairplanes kit. See Picture:


Everything is ok except that there is no room for the forward and rear facing brackets in the forward baggage area. I am looking for some input on how others have solved this on an RV8. I was thinking about a strap across the tank front to rear to make additional support, but it will need som attachment points which Im unsure about. Any ideas other ideas/pictures I would appreciate?

Kind Regards
Mounting Points

Hi Christian,

I put some nut plates in the baggage bay floor. In the ones that are furthest from the baggage bay door (i.e. the ones you could not get to with the tank in the way) I used an AN3 bolt with a AN970 large area washer and a small spacer to match the thickness of the angle mounting bracket on the tank. I made the holes in the angle that bolts to the tank into slots. So you slide the tank into the baggage bay and the angle slides under the large area washers. The holes closest to the door you can also use nut plates and regular bolts as you can get to these ones. If this doesn't make sense let me know and I'll add a photo.

