Well Known Member
Panels complete and would like to close up the forward fuselage. I have a GRT Sport, autopilot,EI FP-5, radios. TXP, etc.
Since I don't have any antenna's installed or servo motors would it be really stupid to apply power to the system to check each circuit and wiring to make sure everything powers up? Is there any equipment out there that can be damaged by powering up the head only? Don't want a smokey shop. It would definitely ruin my day. Maybe the whole year.:eek:
Don't transmit with your radios, and they'll be fine. Don't power up the transponder or any ADSB-out transceivers without an antenna connected, since they'll try to transmit and that's very hard on the final amplifier.
How sure are you that your PTT switches aren't mis-wired or otherwise somehow grounded? Turing the radio on with the PTT switch grounded will make it instantly try to transmit. With no antenna connected, that's bad news.

Can you borrow or even make a couple antennas to hook up to your radio(s)?
Dummy load

Could you make a few dummy loads from antenna connectors with the appropriate resistor?
I used them often working radio repair so signals wouldn't broadcast. Radio doesn't know it's not an antenna as long as the impedance matches.
Oh'boy this is gonna be good!

Ok, that's what I was looking for. I can temporally connect the all the antennas and lay them in the belly of the plane. All the wiring and connectors are there, just don't have the antennas attached.
Since no one mentioned it, I guess unconnected servos are not a problem. Really looking forward to seeing if I got the sport AOA indicator right side up? Heard that's a problem.
Going to go over everything one more time and then light er up. This is exciting!
Sort of like when I flipped the canoe a few years ago. Boy, my milestones sure are far apart. :eek:
Tom in case you lose some smoke don't worry I have leftovers. I bought a can of the Lucas product in 2008 and never used it. Stein was offering it dirty cheap by case when he started the panel business :D

Speaking of "Lucas Electrics"

Tom in case you lose some smoke don't worry I have leftovers. I bought a can of the Lucas product in 2008 and never used it. Stein was offering it dirty cheap by case when he started the panel business :D

Have you heard that Lucas is now selling vacuum cleaners? Only product they've ever offered that doesn't "suck"!
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Tom in case you lose some smoke don't worry I have leftovers. I bought a can of the Lucas product in 2008 and never used it. Stein was offering it dirty cheap by case when he started the panel business

Ha - luckily we haven't seen much demand for spare smoke so we no longer offer it!

Not much to add, good advice given so far. I'd just say when you power up your panel, start out with all breakers pulled or fuses out and all switches off...then turn on thing one item at a time, slowly and methodically.

Almost ready

start out with all breakers pulled or fuses out and all switches off...then turn on thing one item at a time, slowly and methodically.

Thanks Stein
Decided to temporarily hook up servo's to check direction and indicators and also all lights. All breakers pulled but really scared to turn on the power supply.:eek:
Heard you can still find old jars of original Lucas smoke on Ebay if I need any.:D