
Active Member
Where to put the smoke? I?ve been thinking for some time where to install the smoke oil in my -8. I came across the ER tanks from SafeAir and said, that?s it. I?m thinking about putting the smoke oil in the wing or wings. One tank in left or right wings or one in each for symmetry, obviously keeping weight in mind. I fly a -10 with additional leading edge tanks. We routinely fly the plane with one of the two aux fuel tanks more full than the other and even with one empty with no noticeable ?heavy wing?.

I have a small aircraft maintenance operation here in NW Florida, we have a metal fab and aviation welding shop with the capability to build and/or repair just about anything so fabricating a smoke tank and running a nice tig weld would be no problem. 1-3 gallons max.

Has anybody done this and if so, how about some pictures. The tank and associated lines and pumps would be no problem. Just curious about some of the mounting methods that might be out there. Surely the outboard rib would have to be beefed up with a doubler of some sort. Could the spar play a role in the mounting??

Questions and comments are welcome.
In the wing,

Check Kahuna's website..he's the Team RV leader and has his smoke oil in a couple of bays on the inboard left wing, between the spars. He told me in Columbus that it can also substitute as a gas tank.

If I was building a new wing, I'd do what Kahuna did. :)

1-3 gals on your concept design may or may not be enough, once you get the smokin' bug. Just sayin' ;)

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