
Well Known Member
I'm piecing together a smoke system for the Rocket, and while its not a priority compared to just getting it back in the air I figured I'd throw out a question thats been on my mind lately.

Assuming the typical pair of injectors as close to the exhaust port as I can get (cyl #1 and 2 on a 540), is there any benefit to pre heating the oil before injection? IIRC, back in my RC days, smoke system performance could be improved with the little 2 strokes by wrapping the smoke line around the muffler a few turns. Seems like the same thing would be easy to accomplish with some stainless hardline coiled around the primary tube on a Lyc.

I'm sure I'm not the first person to think of this... If so, does it help, hurt, or make no difference?

Help me quiet the demons in my head so I can focus on more pressing details.
I don't think adding heat to the smoke oil would make any difference since it's moving pretty quick through the system. BUT you want the most heat you can get on the smoke oil when it gets into the exhaust. I ran two injectors, one at the collector of each exhaust pipe. The oil you use makes the biggest difference. This full power 240 kt pass is oil from Smoking Planes (but he sold the company). Lots of smoke.
I would echo the same comment about not having to heat the smoke oil prior to it being injected into the exhaust headers. I just put in a smoke helper system, which uses two injectors. I have my flow set at about 1/2 gal a minute and it produces copious amounts of smoke, even on a 20 deg day or at idle with the EGT at around 1000 deg F. I concur that the type of smoke oil has a lot to do with the amount / type of smoke you get. I have used Corvus oil and some model airplane smoke oil I got off Amazon that smells like root beer (the folks on the ground love it), both look clear as water 5W oil and produce billowing white smoke without much residue on the belly.