I doubt that you could make a mistake with either. I have been very happy with my Smoke System Helper and his great support.
Smoke System

I don't have any experience with Smokin Airplanes systems but when I was shopping around to get mine I found that Marvin's Smoke System Helper systems were significantly cheaper to the tune of 20-30% depending on your needs. Marvin designed me a trapezoid system to fit exactly where I wanted it in the baggage compartment. It is outstanding workmanship and has worked flawlessly from day one.

The thing you will get with Marvin is a custom designed tank that is shaped any size, style or shape to fit wherever you want it to fit. He is a custom welder and you will be impressed.

I do not have the experience with the smoking airplanes system so I can not compare.
I chose to install the smoke system helper from Marvin and everything went well.
-Fast e-mail response
-Fast delivery
-I like the aluminum tank vs the plastic
-Great support
-Great price
I do not know if it is better than the smoking airplanes, however I know Marvin's smoke system helper is good.
Great support from Marvin

We bought two systems from Marvin and I found him extremely helpful and proactive; I kept calling him very eary in the morning (I called him in late morning here in Italy) and he was always available and nice.

The system is very well made and it's working very well since day 1.

I chose Marvin for the design, becauase it fits perfectly behind the seat, but I found him also very professional & easy in the purchase process.
Marv was great and I am happy customer. I really like the fact I can put it behind my seat, out of the baggage area. Its a well built product.
Injector Deisgns

Not RV's, but Nanchange CJ's.

I have Marvin's injector on a DIY system using windshield washer tank/pump on a single exhaust. I burn baby oil purchased from Big Lots. I brought the injector from Marvin since before he is Smoke System Helper.

My friend has Smoking Airplanes full system with dual injectors. It is a very well made, well put together system; very complete and not difficult to install. He burns hydraulic fluid from O'Reilly Auto Parts.

We make equally good smoke, but my oil consumption is always less than my friend's - more than 1/2 less. Although there are many variables, I do think Marvin's injector design contributes to the efficiency of my smoke system.


My CJ is the green/gray one with yellow tips.