
Well Known Member
Santa put a smoke system for the -8 under the tree and I am trying to get my ducks in a row before installation. One of the items that remains unanswered is smoke oil.

I have hit the internet pretty hard and asked around, but still haven't found an "economical" solution with the exception of concrete form oil. I am reluctant to use the form oil because of the reported smell.

Looking for ideas, comments, suggestions, alternatives or smart remarks........

There is a Pietenpol driver I know that swears by baby oil. His name is Chuck Gantzer. It makes for a sweet smell I'm told. He uses a windshield washer pump and a portable battery to pump the baby oil directly into his exhaust. Here is a pic. He likes it not only for the smell, but because he can stop at any walmart and get all he wants.
http://www.westcoastpiet.com/images/Chuck Gantzer/Smokin.jpg
Do not use the concrete form oil. This was thought about many years ago for R/C planes as smoke oil, until it was found out that the smoke is highly carcinogenic, due to the additives involved. It is not meant to be burnt/injected into exhausts......

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Smoke Oil

I know you want economical, but truly you get what you pay for. The best are these:
Super*Dry Aviation Smoke Oil
Meadows Concrete Form Oil (oil base) (as you said, stinks!)
Texaco Canopus #13 or Corvis
Unocal 76 - 76 Klondyke

SuperDry REALLY KEEPS YOUR AIRPLANE CLEAN!!! Here is a picture of the superdry results:


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NCARMON was right.....

...there is nothing better than the Super-dri. Expensive, yes, but isn't everything related to flying? Any other stuff outside of the mainstream smoke oils used regularly by the airshow crowd are either too corrosive or gum up your smoke system and injectors over time.

And, the statement about the Superdri keeping your airplane clean cannot be understated. Smoke oil will get EVERYWHERE, and you will be spending hours wiping it off if you use some of the others.

It's fun though - everyone should experience hearing themselves through the headset sidetone saying "SMOKE ON!"
I have used diesel fuel and it works well. Also used filtered cooking oil works but the air field smells like MacDonalds after a couple of low passes.
Lotsa smoke...

Hi H,

Don't know of 1 vs another, but they used to use plain 'ol diesel fuel in the mosquito trucks and planes (DC-3's in the FLA Keys) back when I was a kid. Thickest smoke you'd ever seen :)
I use Super Dry in my Extra and really like it, But my big question is where can you get it at a good price, because I just paid $406 plus shipping for a 55 gallon drum.
WOW...if my calculations are correct, Super Dri would cost you about half of what it would cost in Baby Oil. Of course you wouldn't have to get Baby oil shipped and the smell is pleasant I've heard.
The super Dry is TOO exoensive for what we use it for. DO NOT use Deise or Concrete form oil(they are flammable, and stink!). I use the Canopus in my RV8. Its cheaper, and burns really clean.
Al Grajek
I thought Canopus was a concrete form oil??? I read this somewhere else
"- Diesel & Concrete Form Release Oil 50:50 (obtained from construction industry goes under the name of Chevron/Texaco "Canopus 13" oil [formerly called Corvus Oil], EXXON Unuius-15, SUNOCO 222, Corbisol.)"

Concentrated antifreeze works too. The problem with most of the "home recipes" is that they stink and make a mess.
How often are you going to use it and how much will you use? answer those questions and it may make sense to just buy the good stuff.

Headsup on antifreeze... Fatal to humans/animals if ingested. Don't know about breathing it but would def not take the chance...

<<Where can I purchase Texaco Canopus #13 oil in the Los Angeles area?>>

Look for a distributor in the phone book under "Oils, Lubricating". Usually need to order a 55 gallon drum. Around here I had more luck with a Shell distributor and ordering Carnea...same thing as Texaco Canopus, plain mineral oil.
Not sure about where you live, but around here we found an oil distributor and purchase our smoke oil from them. Concrete Form release oil is what to get! I'll check my barrell and see what brand/type it is and then report back.
