
Active Member
Is there something you can add to smoke oil to make different colors. I have a friend that is planning something for the 4th of July. He has 3 nozzles and is trying to do red,white, and blue.
Wasn't there also some concern about this staining paint? I may be misremembering, but I think this came up before in a discussion.
I discussed this with Marvin at www.Smoke-System-Helper.com (a VAF advertiser). He said trying to dye smoke oil for heating in the exhaust pipe just burns the oil and gives you white smoke, no matter what color it was going in. Colored smoke requires colored dye injected way downstream in the cooler part of the exhaust pipe. Rather than "burn", it stays wet and is a cooler aerosol additive to the 'burned' smoke. Naturally, this requires an additional storage tank and spray apparatus (complexity and weight).

Marvin, does that sound about right?
Dr Smoke

We have a gentleman here that used to fly air shows in his SF-260. He had multiple colored smoke, controlled the various dyes with valves in the cockpit. His full time job was as an oral surgeon, show name was Dr Smoke.

He spent a lot of time experimenting with dyes Nd has never given out his formula as far as I know.


Scott A Jordan