
Well Known Member
I've recently become more concerned about smoke or other visibility/respiratory contaminates in the cockpit... (electrical, outside wildfire smoke, needing to discharge an extinguisher, etc)..

Any thoughts on smoke hoods....good or bad?
Internal filters, or a hose specifically to connect to the outside vents if the problem is only firewall forward?
Brands, types, cost, accessibility ..?

Any thoughts appreciated..!
Airliners have ugly smoke goggles. For something to breathe, there's the oxygen.

How long would it take to dissipate fire extinguisher agent from an RV cockpit with all the vents wide open? I wonder if we're solving a problem that doesn't exist in unpressurized airplanes. Goggles maybe? but one can just hold their breath for 30 seconds.

Wildfire smoke, not too concerned with. In a past life, I flew fire detection. Meaning, I intentionally flew around looking for and around forest fires. Flew through some pretty thick and stinky smoke, and didn't present a health hazard with the short duration exposure.

The airline smoke goggles are based on the full oxygen mask that covers nose and mouth being used first. No room left for full hood.
Full smoke hoods are available for smaller aircraft. I think Sportys has them.