Mike S

Senior Curmudgeon
The Discovery Channel's new show "Smash lab" had a sequence at an airport. Looked like somewhere in SoCal.

Looked like a nice little place, appears to be fairly new.

Anyone know where it was????

By the way, for anyone curious about the show---------- IMHO, dont wast your time.
Auqua Dulce Airport

They even have a nice cafe, but it's been closed and re-opened so many times through the years I can't keep track.

Are the neighbors still calling the FSDO every time something flies in there?
Agua Dulce - L70

Nice airport, they used to have cheap fuel on the weekends to attract pilots, but the neighbors complained all the time.

I was a little surprised they crashed cars on the runway. I would think they would be concerned about debris and spilled auto fluids.

I was a little surprised they crashed cars on the runway. I would think they would be concerned about debris and spilled auto fluids.
Maybe they're just trying to tick off the neighbors...can't call the FSDO on big r/c cars smashing into each other! That is a great little airport. Too bad the neighbors are complaint happy.
You So Cal guys shouldn't let the noise complainers chase you out of what sounds like a nice airport. Non use by pilots will just make it rough on the airport businesses and may give the gov more ammo when they give in to the complainers and try and close the airport...and you know they will eventually cave in!

Jim Kinsey
7A Fuselage
Ordering Finishing Kit

OMG I can't believe people would be complaining about that airport. The houses don't look that close at all. At my home airport Clearwater in FL (CLW) there are homes at the immediate end of the runaway and alongside the property. Every now and then we have problems with the neighbors complaining about the airport. Don't give in! Work with them! Have a neighbors day event or something once a year. I'm sure the airport was there first!
I had meant to post on this when I saw the show but Mike beat me to it.

My post had more to do with airport usage for this kind of trash. I'm normally a pretty thick skinned devil may care kind of guy, but I found myself getting pretty upset about the seeming frequency with which airports are being used to smash stuff. It ticked me off to see those guys pouring concrete on the grass median and smashing cars at the approach end of the runway.

I've seen similar things on Top Gear and Mythbusters. Now at least mythbusters use a closed navy base. I'm not sure what the deal is with Top Gear (a British show).

Has anyone noticed or felt the same way?

PS: I agree with Mike, don't bother with this show.
it's a terrible show..

IMHO i don't like it when they use runways for that kind of stuff, but i'm sure that they have large crews of minimum wage personelle to conduct elaborate FOD walkdowns and clean up the runway from fluids.

still a terrible use of a runway