
Well Known Member
WTB: looking for a strip of 2024 .040 I need to make an attachment strip around the firewall for the camlocks for the cowl attach. Any recommendation for suppliers?

Hi Pat,
Use aluminum, .063 as Jeff said, but not 2024. That c*** will only rust. A good spacing for the camlocks is 4".
Vans will be happy to sell it to you cut to size. They quoted me $6.61 per square foot of .063 just 3 weeks ago. I too need it for camlocks.

They charge $5 per cut.


I found that Vans charges a cutting fee about 50% of the time...I always ask for a single cut...I.e the piece will be 4ft long....So this is half the work for them...So them charging me 50% of the time is about right....:)

This has been my experience at the Vans counter being very polite and swapping stories about the "old country" with gus.....:))

pierre smith said:
Hi Pat,
Use aluminum, .063 as Jeff said, but not 2024. That c*** will only rust. A good spacing for the camlocks is 4".
What do you mean it will rust? The entire skin of the plane is 2024.
