
I'm New Here
Hello fellow RV'ers

Scott Snow here, callsign "Flake" Looking for advice on putting my two kids in the right seat of the RV-6. They are still small (ages 5 and 3). Interested in a dual harness setup for the right seat to hold them in place.

Thanks in advance for the help!!

Small kids in RV-6

The only thing I have found regarding regulation is that each passenger must have restraints or seatbelts. Together the kids weigh about 90 pounds, and I have the stick removed on that side. I would think they take up less space than my 240 pd dad. Any thoughts to a modified dual harness set up? Two seperate lapbelts, shoulder harnesses, etc.
Is your airplane registered as a 3 seater?

I think you need to talk with your insurance company. They may want to talk about your premiums.

Might not be what you're looking to hear, but as a guy with two kids that I wish I could take up together in my -6, I'd just never consider it.

Legal/FAR issues aside (though they really do need to be considered), it might end up more trouble, and a lot less fun than you'd expect, even if you could pull off the two-seat-belt thing. My guys are 8 and 9 and thus bigger than your crew, but it still seems your kiddos would be spilling into your lap, or in the way of the trim or flap handle (if you're manual) or just plain squished. Then I imagine having to fly while fighting four hands in the "hey Dad, what does this thing do?" rodeo, or the "this seat belt is uncomfortable, I'm taking it off" game.

In tight quarters, the "DAD, he's (she's) touching me" brawl might continue right through the approach and landing...bad juju, IMHO!

As much as I'd like to take them both to lunch or fishin', etc, and as much as my knucklehead 8 yr old wants to ride in the baggage compartment :rolleyes:, I just figure to share flying the RV with them one at a time and use it as solo time with Dad (maybe I'll rent sometime...perish the thought...and take them both).

All intended in good spirits...Dad to Dad (I'm sure there's lots of Dad's out here that understand the desire you're expressing!)


Bob Mills
"Rocket Six"
Reno-Stead (4SD)
Third seat....

......in the back, as quite a few have done. Either backward or side-facing with its own belts. Put the smaller fella in the back.....if he complains, give him the "Would you rather stay at home?" option:)

Believe me, with three grown kids of my own and five grandkids....gggrrrrrr


Do you have (or can you point me/us to) any pics or info on the third seat mod? Will also do a search on it. Didn't know about this (and just saw Smokey's question to me on whether mine still had the spare seat the builder put in). Learn somethin' new every day!!

Wonder if it would work with a 55 pounder, and if I could keep my fine young cannibals from wrastlin' around that way! :D

And Flake...really wasn't trying to rain on your parade at all. Looks like where there's a will, there's a way! Gotta love the ingenuity and resourcefulness of the EXP team!

Many old airplanes (Waco's, TravelAir 4000's, etc.) use only one lap belt in the front seat for two people. I've seen this done in sightseeing rides many time and it is legal. Of course, those airplanes were built as three seaters. Still, you had better have two skinny people up front.
Don't take your kids flying until they are strong enough to escape a mishap (open canopy etc.).

Safey first!

I have seen a pic of a rv with a childs seat in the luggage area. I thought it was on this site but it may have been a builders page.
Thanks for the inputs. Just excited to get my guys up and flying. Many memories of flying around with my Dad from age 3 and up, of course those were the days of kids climbing around the back of the land yacht station wagon and seatbelts were still an option in several cars.