
Well Known Member
Why are slip-skid balls so expensive? Seriously.

My Trutrak ADI-pilot slip-skid ball acts like it has a flat spot on the ball, or flat spots in the tube, or something, that makes it sit in one spot regardless of small changes in slip or skid. Takes a pretty big swing to get it to move - to a new flat spot.

So I figured I would just buy a stand-along slip-skid ball. Holy cow, the cheapest one I see on ACS is about $90! And you can spend much more!

I am worried about other aspects of what I am going to do if/when the Trutrak croaks, but I will cross that bridge later. For now, would just like a cheap, small slip-skid ball to screw to the panel.

When I wanted one for the R-8, way back when I was building, I wanted one that was just the size of the one in the Tru Trak, so I wrote to see where they got it. Next thing I knew, a bare one showed up in the mail with no explanation except a smiley face on a note....

Long time ago!
Slip ball

You might try an RV ( not vans) supply. Thay have small ones, for leveling.
Hope this helps.
Steve is a sailplane pilot and by definition is very familiar with yaw strings. Yaw strings are used on virtually all sailplanes, and once in awhile you'll see one on a jet. But because of the propeller slipstream, they won't accurately work on tractor prop planes.



To coordinate, "Step on the ball, step away from the string!"

great picture of the F4U. Helmholtz would be proud. Relates tangentially to my thesis.

The mental trick I learned early with yaw stings was to pretend that the tail of the string was connected to your toes. So, you step to pull the tail of the string straight. I learned 'step on the ball' a handful of years later. :)
Wouldn't a yaw string work on a wing, outside the prop slipsteam? Just place a reference mark for coordinated flight.

It’s all about supply and demand. There are more nosewheel pilots than tailwheel pilots. Tailwheel pilots know what the rudder does and don’t need that silly thing. But since there are so many nose wheel pilots that need that silly ball, the price is driven up. Simple.

It’s all about supply and demand. There are more nosewheel pilots than tailwheel pilots. Tailwheel pilots know what the rudder does and don’t need that silly thing. But since there are so many nose wheel pilots that need that silly ball, the price is driven up. Simple.


A small amount of slip that you can not discern in cruise is enough to affect the cruise drag.
I’ve used these inclinometers on two aircraft and they function very nicely as slip indicators.

Yes, one of those might do nicely. I could saw off the top part of the housing in an arc that would nest under an instrument. I like the stick-on.
Ask around for a dead turn coordinator or T&B.... the ball and bulb is just wire looped to the face.
WILCO. It might be awhile while I work out the proper calibration.


"Calibration" is trivially easy. Level the plane side to side, check with a quality builders level laid across the plane on the top of the canopy sill, canopy open of course. Jack/support accordingly, so you can get in the cockpit for the final adjustment of the slip/skid indicator while the plane stays level laterally. Attach the inclinometer to the panel with the ball exactly in the middle. Tap gently to eliminate friction as you attach it.

Yes, one of those might do nicely. I could saw off the top part of the housing in an arc that would nest under an instrument. I like the stick-on.

Same company makes one without the top part and I believe it is a little more sensitive with +-5*. I have it in my -8. Recommend using the mounting screws so it can be adjusted instead of the stick-on. Had a Winter in my other plane and this works the same for about 1/5 the price.
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Slip skid replacement

Steve, I have one with ten hours on it from the wreck I purchased years ago. Send me your address on email and it is yours . My appreciation for all the great advice you give.
[email protected]