
Well Known Member
On the ground with the aircraft level(RV 9) my ball is half a ball out to the left. Should I shim it? I have the ADRHRS in its own shelf high behind the baggage bulkhead. All the best for the New Year and hope all had a great Christmas.
Shim it

I had the same issue, my ADHRS mount was not a level as I thought...:)

Make sure the fuselage is level across the cockpit rails and shim the ADHRS to get the ball centered.

If you don't level it the autopilot won't work well if it's drive by the EFIS.
Check your ADHRS manual. You may be able to adjust with software.

Unfortunately not with the Skyview.

The ADHRS mount I'm presently making for my -10 will have the unit mounted on brass crews with nuts on each side of the mounting plate that can be used for adjustment. Adjusting shims while being halfway down the tailcone is a pain in many locations of your body. :)
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Unfortunately mine is a Skyview

Yes I looked through the manual. Not flying as yet, aiming for end January.
Thanks for all your help. Happy New Year. I'll be watching the fireworks on Sydney Harbour.