
Well Known Member
Ok, so I know I'm asking a lot here, but here goes....

So I have a brand spanking new AF-5600 with a wifi adapter in my 8. It will send AHRS and GPS data to Foreflight, but not ADSB. When I asked them about adding ADSB to their list of items they will display from AFS wifi, they basically told me "we've forwarded this on for consideration."

I have exclusively used WingX Pro because they give a free military subscription (which is incredibly generous) along with an iLevil 3AW transmitting over wifi to get and amazing (truly amazing) GPS/AHRS/ADSB layout. When I asked Hilton Software about the possibility of incorporating the AFS the same way they've done for the iLevil, I was pretty much told no.

Am I the only one that wants this capability? My AFS will send this data to whoever will put it into their app so we don't have to have multiple ADSB-In (one for EFIS, one for iPad) with an equal amount of antennae, why don't these apps want to do this? I'm a criminologist and a fighter pilot, so maybe this would be very difficult or expensive and I just don't know what I'm talking about. But am I alone here? Or has someone else figured out how to do what I am looking for?
I have a single SkyRadar D2. It sends ADSB-in data to WingX on my iPad (mini) via WiFi; and it also sends the data to my GRT HX EFIS via hard-wired USB. Is that what you're looking for?
I have a single SkyRadar D2. It sends ADSB-in data to WingX on my iPad (mini) via WiFi; and it also sends the data to my GRT HX EFIS via hard-wired USB. Is that what you're looking for?

If it does AHRS as well, in essence yes. But from their website, AFS is not an EFIS it works with.
What about FlyQ EFB? I know it supports AHRS information from a wide variety of sources (including the Stratux project).

I think they have a free 30 day trial. I actually use FlyQ EFB as my main flight planning app on my tablet. Its pretty great.
It's still a little bit of a "find-your-way" industry. In my research for your plane, Brad, there wasn't a single way to do all that you want. I feel your frustration. There is no single way to do everything you want with a single receiver and the app of your choice (or any app, do that matter). ForeFlight is my EFB of choice, and I have used it since pretty close to the beginning. They are what I would call "slow adopters" of certain things. I talked to them over the years (back when they were small and truly listened to customers) about features that soon would be added. They finally came out with ads-b through a partnership with Appareo, but that was the only hardware they worked with and it was only weather. They had safety concerns about displaying traffic because it wasn't always (and at that time very seldom was) the full traffic picture. Then, all of a sudden they talk with Dynon and AFS for flight plans and ADAHRS and GPS. That was awesome. Then they start adding compatibility with Garmin, Aspen, XM Weather, Freeflight, etc. None of these do everything and many were expensive. During this process others "hacked" the system and along came the Stratux and Navworx compatibility, as well as probably a few less popular EFB's. I am sure they still have a list of features they are working on adding.

I think a low of people would argue that if you have a big 10" screen with ads-b, why would you also want it on the iPad. I know some people who say they never use the iPad in the cockpit any more since getting 2 10" EFIS screens. They use it for flight planning and often to send an assigned route to the Dynon, but that's it. Your situation is slightly unique in that you have a tandem airplane and you want as much data available to the back seat as possible. It's a valid desire and you can get it all, just not yet through one single source.

I think we will look back on this time and say, "remember when we wanted all of the data from a single source and there just wasn't a way to do it?" I hope that time comes soon. I think it will come. There are already industry standards as far as ADS-B data streams, but there are so many other items that are being included in he data streams that are non-standard, which is why the iLevil won't work on the AFS.
Am I the only one that wants this capability? My AFS will send this data to whoever will put it into their app so we don't have to have multiple ADSB-In (one for EFIS, one for iPad) with an equal amount of antennae, why don't these apps want to do this? I'm a criminologist and a fighter pilot, so maybe this would be very difficult or expensive and I just don't know what I'm talking about. But am I alone here? Or has someone else figured out how to do what I am looking for?

No, you're not the only one who wants the described capability.

I am surprised to hear that Foreflight and AFS are not collaborating on a ADSB In (traffic) solution.

I have an AFS 4500, which I love, in my RV-8 and also use an Ipad with Foreflight. I have been considering an upgrade to my EFIS but its difficult to justify because it works so well.

I installed a GTX345 ADSB in/out transponder and have all the functionality addressed here on my Ipad running Foreflight as well as my Aera 660.

Dual-link ADS-B ?In? traffic and WX.

GPS position and backup attitude via Bluetooth to ForeFlight and cable to the 660.

BHunt, thanks for your service.
Ok, so I know I'm asking a lot here, but here goes....

So I have a brand spanking new AF-5600 with a wifi adapter in my 8. It will send AHRS and GPS data to Foreflight, but not ADSB. When I asked them about adding ADSB to their list of items they will display from AFS wifi, they basically told me "we've forwarded this on for consideration."

The next software release for the AF-5000 EFIS supports Wifi Host and Client Mode. We have been test flying the new software and expect to have a production release in the next few weeks.

If the EFIS Wifi is in Client mode it should connect to any ADS-B Wifi device that uses the standard GDL39 data format. We have tested the Stratux kit and Ping Buddy ADS-B units and they both work. In client mode the EFIS can also connect to a Wifi hotspot for a number of interesting future uses.

If the EFIS WiFi is in Host mode the EFIS should connect to any device and application that has properly implemented the Dynon Skyview WiFi data format. The Dynon data format sends: ADAHRS, Flight Plan, Weather and Traffic data and will receive Flight plan data.

The new EFIS software also has the ability to send GDL90 data using RS-232. This should enable weather and traffic to be displayed on an Avidyne IFD540 from the EFIS.

Dynon Skyview WiFi data format support matrix

APP............Flight Plan......Weather........Traffic.....
FlyQ...............Yes..............Yes............Yes ?
Wing X ............ ? ............... ? ............. ?

Rob Hickman
Advanced Flight Systems Inc.
Wing X Pro

I did a test flight today in my Dynon equiped RV10. Foreflight was able to upload flight plans and receive weather data. I could not get Wing X Pro to do anything with the Dynon wifi modules.

I have talked to Wing X Pro this week. They do not seem to be working with Dynon at all to get this resolved.

I have a CFI subscription to Wing X Pro which is free. Based on my conversations with Wing X Pro the free part may not be enough to overcome the frustration with getting this to work.
The next software release for the AF-5000 EFIS supports Wifi Host and Client Mode. We have been test flying the new software and expect to have a production release in the next few weeks.

If the EFIS Wifi is in Client mode it should connect to any ADS-B Wifi device that uses the standard GDL39 data format. We have tested the Stratux kit and Ping Buddy ADS-B units and they both work. In client mode the EFIS can also connect to a Wifi hotspot for a number of interesting future uses.

If the EFIS WiFi is in Host mode the EFIS should connect to any device and application that has properly implemented the Dynon Skyview WiFi data format. The Dynon data format sends: ADAHRS, Flight Plan, Weather and Traffic data and will receive Flight plan data.

The new EFIS software also has the ability to send GDL90 data using RS-232. This should enable weather and traffic to be displayed on an Avidyne IFD540 from the EFIS.

Dynon Skyview WiFi data format support matrix

APP............Flight Plan......Weather........Traffic.....
FlyQ...............Yes..............Yes............Yes ?
Wing X ............ ? ............... ? ............. ?

Rob Hickman
Advanced Flight Systems Inc.

Now that's what I'm talking about! Thanks Rob!

Just installed an IFD-440, I would assume it would be the same as you mentioned for the 540?
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The next software release for the AF-5000 EFIS supports Wifi Host and Client Mode. We have been test flying the new software and expect to have a production release in the next few weeks.

If the EFIS Wifi is in Client mode it should connect to any ADS-B Wifi device that uses the standard GDL39 data format. We have tested the Stratux kit and Ping Buddy ADS-B units and they both work. In client mode the EFIS can also connect to a Wifi hotspot for a number of interesting future uses.

If the EFIS WiFi is in Host mode the EFIS should connect to any device and application that has properly implemented the Dynon Skyview WiFi data format. The Dynon data format sends: ADAHRS, Flight Plan, Weather and Traffic data and will receive Flight plan data.

The new EFIS software also has the ability to send GDL90 data using RS-232. This should enable weather and traffic to be displayed on an Avidyne IFD540 from the EFIS.

Dynon Skyview WiFi data format support matrix

APP............Flight Plan......Weather........Traffic.....
FlyQ...............Yes..............Yes............Yes ?
Wing X ............ ? ............... ? ............. ?

Rob Hickman
Advanced Flight Systems Inc.

That is absolutely fantastic Rob. Well done to you and the crew. :)

BTW, will it do AvPlan also?

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Hi Rob,

Can you pass your technical knowledge on to Dynon so they can do client and host mode too? ����
The Dynon only works in host mode and that matrix applies to Dynon and AFS. They both output the same information via Wifi. The AFS client mode is more of a tool to be compable with other non-Dynon ads-b sources, and possibly downloading software and/or database updates in the hangar down the road, as implied by Rob, if I understand correctly. The Dynon Wifi is for connection to a handheld device such as a phone or tablet for sharing system information with that device and vice versa.
I did a test flight today in my Dynon equiped RV10. Foreflight was able to upload flight plans and receive weather data. I could not get Wing X Pro to do anything with the Dynon wifi modules.

I have talked to Wing X Pro this week. They do not seem to be working with Dynon at all to get this resolved.

I have a CFI subscription to Wing X Pro which is free. Based on my conversations with Wing X Pro the free part may not be enough to overcome the frustration with getting this to work.

I asked them as well. They don't seem to eager to incorporate these features for some reason.