
I'm New Here
Hello partners:
Can anyone inform me if you I can fly the RV9/A with two inches open the slidind canopy ?

greetings from Spain

Julio Bueno
Several pilots have flown the airplane with the canopy cracked open an inch or two, usually accidentally or during test phase. I did it during test phase with it open 1" with no problems except the obvious wind noise and breeze.
As Greg said, usually not on purpose!
There is substantial "lift" on the canopy in flight.
Take a look at that plastic slider block on the track and ask yourself if that is all you want holding the $1000 canopy on the plane (as opposed to the dagger pins holding it on in the closed position).
Right. I can attest that in an RV9A with no flaps and holding 60 knots, it was not possible for an otherwise-healthy adult male in the right seat to move the slider canopy with it cracked 1" open.

We won't discuss why or how we came to that observation, only the results of it. Suffice it to say that I cast serious doubt upon the possibility of opening the slider canopy for bailing out of a wounded airplane. My next airplane will be a tipper or flopper.
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EAA story

There was a story in the EAA magazine a while ago about an RV6 who had removed his canopy and closed in the baggage compartment slightly to fly slow locally with the wind in the cockpit. Cool story! I have trouble slowing unless Iam landing; i have a bit of a speed addiction
Right. I can attest that in an RV9A with no flaps and holding 60 knots, it was not possible for an otherwise-healthy adult male in the right seat to move the slider canopy with it cracked 1" open.

We won't discuss why or how we came to that observation, only the results of it. Suffice it to say that I cast serious doubt upon the possibility of opening the slider canopy for bailing out of a wounded airplane. My next airplane will be a tipper or flopper.

There is a video of an RV performing a forced landing in the water near a beach after a mid-air collision. The pilot had slid open his canopy before touchdown. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Sy_IkRR4xOk

So that is documented evidence that it can be done.
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There is a video of an RV performing a forced landing in the water near a beach after a mid-air collision. The pilot had slid open his canopy before touchdown. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Sy_IkRR4xOk

So that is documented evidence that it can be done.

Agreed - at least one documented evidence that it can be done - but I also noticed that the canopy slammed shut on him during the landing sequence (you can see it from the second camera angle) so in that particular instance the value of opening the canopy was questionable - but yes, at least one person was able to open it.
forensic study time....

I had NOT seen that video, thanks for posting.

from a purely educational standpoint, what can we learn?

1. the canopy, unless pinned open somehow, will slam forward during most impacts, water or land. I see headset removal at the very least!
2. would it be preferable to be conscious, without the 60 kt water enema that results upon impact?...and then deal with opening the canopy while inverted? could give you precious seconds of NOT inhaling water.
3. what the heck shoots vertically out of the cabin at 0:21?, and is then swatted forward by the tail? oh, perhaps second angle shows.... it's the wheelpant jettison function?!? :eek:

....regardless, kudos to the pilot for landing right beside rescuers and an ambulance. ( obviously pre-arranged!) hope he/she was ok.
Would it be even possible to open a slider canopy while inverted in water? Takes a pretty good tug in air... Remember it has to lift to open - against ? water pressure...

I have pip pins on the front mounts of the canopy on the -8. I have already made the decision that if I have to ditch, the canopy goes before hitting the water. Yes it would be a slap in the head. Yes it might damage the vertical stabilizer...

I am more comfortable with the thought of this than the thought of being inverted without air in a slowly sinking airplane and not being able to open the canopy...
Would it be even possible to open a slider canopy while inverted in water? Takes a pretty good tug in air... Remember it has to lift to open - against ? water pressure...

I have pip pins on the front mounts of the canopy on the -8. I have already made the decision that if I have to ditch, the canopy goes before hitting the water. Yes it would be a slap in the head. Yes it might damage the vertical stabilizer...

I am more comfortable with the thought of this than the thought of being inverted without air in a slowly sinking airplane and not being able to open the canopy...
If you've got a pax and you know you're in for a water landing, hand him or her the Life Hammer and start breaking that sucker into little pieces!!!