Nice Presentation!

One thing I found . . .

It seems like there is a certain level of "builder" skill necessary to make good parts and good progress with less effort. Buying a kit-in-progress for a first build makes that skill development more difficult, at least it was for me. I have been building things for 60 yrs, but not airplanes. They are different.

Something to consider and take appropriate action. Mitigating factors: if you have built one, if your partner/spouse is closely connected to the project (a spouse gets an extra star), friends and other experienced support nearby, or schools might be a good way to ratchet the skill level (spread out during the build) or a builders center near by.

Areas that will help ( depending a lot on selected avionics):

Solid models (more normal now) of the fuse so selected avionics boxes can be planned.
Solid models - so the wire routings and possible CPC's can be planned for modular build and installation of avionics and other wiring.
Stick to plans as much as possible (huge time killer)

2 cents . . .
I attended your forum at OSH. It was very, very good! Funny, engaging, informative. You kept me awake 😊

You said your airworthiness certificate came while you were at Oshkosh. You?ll have to let us know how the first flight went 👍🏾
Sorry not familiar with the author Bingles. Whats the book name that you were recommending for FWF?

I attended your forum at OSH. It was very, very good! Funny, engaging, informative. You kept me awake 😊

You said your airworthiness certificate came while you were at Oshkosh. You?ll have to let us know how the first flight went 👍🏾

First flight was yesterday at 9am out of a busy KMSN. We circled over the airport for an hour at 5500' then came in to land and check everything over. A couple drips of oil, seemingly from the right mag seal. Back up for 2.3hr 2nd flight with landings elsewhere.

Today I've been out flying and building hours/experience. Slightly warmer CHT #2 & 4 but nothing to worry about, I might reduce the barrier in front of the cylinder a bit.