
Well Known Member
Kinda stalled out on doing the slider part, like a huge ball of string and I can't find the end :) I got the t-rail cleco'ed down and the wheels taped
to the frame but I have not bent anything yet.. its pretty close right now, but its high in relationship to the roll bar.. some pictures would say a thousand words right about now.. where the side rails go towards the inside, outside edge , middle ect.. and how much yall have cut off the tubes where the wheels mount would be a good starting point for me.. its a qb fuse so its bound to be close on the measurements.. any tips would be awesome.. keep in mind I am giving up female companionship till I get the slider done , so I need to get moving pretty soon :)

You want the slider frame to be just slightly higher that the top outside of the rollbar. Look at the curve of the windshield as it goes over the rollbar and imagine a line continuing back across the slider frame. You want it to be smooth when you are done so there is no bump up or down in the flow. I cut a bit off the wheel mount tubes which lowered the frame a bit, then had to spread the front of the tube a bit to fill out the left and right mid points. This is an incremental process and different for each plane. I think everyone's fuselage is the same more or less, but the welding can vary and when everything comes together you have to tweak it. At the end of this page are some pictures of my canopy fitting. N169AK Fuselage Construction Good luck with it!
roller tracks

Thanks for taking the time to help, the duct tape is not holding the t-rail
I used three cleco's, the 7/32 gap from the outside of the roll bar is the same
spacing on the roller track ? for the plastic ? , also it looks like the sides don't cleco to the sqare tubing , is that true ? I have the front of the roller track "I think where it needs to be, but the back is not so clear on the drawing.. once I get the track set then I can start bending a little to get the right curvature (is that spelled correctly) with the roll bar ? I know lots of questions I just am worried about messing up.. it slides back and forth ok right now.. but I can't figure out the drawings..

I got my Tech Counselor to come over. We built a Jig with a piece of plywood & some 1/4 inch bolts to form the rear bow. Any change in the bow affects the level of the horizontal square tubing. We finally got everything clearing and sliding smoothly. You have to bend things 3 different directions at once. I didn't trim the tubes the rollers go in yet. I want to wait until I get the canopy on the frame. This was last Fall. I put the canopy aside until warmer weather. It's just about time to start working on it again, GA weather is warming up.

[email protected]
Templates for slider canopy

There was a post in this forum a few months ago that suggested templates. It was posted by N57NV on March 7. The title is New Member - Slider Frame Tip. I'm going to try this approach this summer on my canopy. Hope it works!

You can call me 478-971-3462. I just finished my canopy and am satisfied with my results. Don't cut the tubes at the wheels yet. The plans say to save it for later. From my experience you want to get the frame bent generally to the right shape but don't push on the welds they are weak. One of mine broke and I had it rewelded. Thing is, when you cleco the canopy on it pulls everything out of alignment so its like starting again. Fitting the canopy was a real pain in the ass for a while but then it gets easier. I made fiberglass rear skirts which were easy and gave great results.
Will be home all weekend.
thanks Bruce

I cut the thing today, got the final cuts on the aft part done and attached
will start the front part once this is worked out.. I think it turned out ok
so far.. wished I had seen your message sooner, I cut the stubs where the
wheels go about 1/8 too short I think.. maybe I can pick them up that much
before I drill it for the bolts, more fitting , one question though, on cutting out
the skirts, did you cut with the pattern or did yall leave it larger like the
manual says.. ? if I leave it larger then the patten will be gone when the
blue stuff comes off.. just wondering.. I suppose the best news is that its cut, so I can stop worrying about that part of the project.. :)
