
Well Known Member
I have my forward top skin clecoed in place and the aft bottom section wraps very tightly around the roll-bar braces. I've found one thread that addresses this by saying that says:

"Vans suggests notching the F7106 skin just enough to clear or barely contact the gusset. Vans does not recommend removing any material from the roll bar gusset for strength reasons."

Does anyone have pictures of this? Has anyone just left it as is without notching it, and if so, did the skin tear or deform? Any suggestions about this part are greatly appreciated.
I think you will find that most people do not notch that area. I didn't and have had no issues with it at all.
Thanks Jeff

Does yours very firmly touch and wrap around the roll-bar brace? I'm thinking that slight variances in builds will determine how much stress is on the skin at that point. My roll-bar brace is actually pushing the skin outward very slightly...maybe 1/8-inch...but I was just thinking that it may tear or something. If everyone else has this, then I suppose it's not an issue.

Anyone else care to chime in?
Mine is exactly as you describe on my slow build rv-9. I don't think it will be a issue.

Does yours very firmly touch and wrap around the roll-bar brace? I'm thinking that slight variances in builds will determine how much stress is on the skin at that point. My roll-bar brace is actually pushing the skin outward very slightly...maybe 1/8-inch...but I was just thinking that it may tear or something. If everyone else has this, then I suppose it's not an issue.

Anyone else care to chime in?[/B]
Notch the forward skin??

How do most people handle this? Ours wraps around the roll bar brace very tight.

Any photos??

That top fwd skin was very tight all around on my QB 7A. I stuck with it, and it all turned out fine. I did have to use a few of the heavy duty clecos with the wing nut instead of the common spring loaded clecos. They were a big help.

Getting the wind screen to stay tight to the fuselage in that area is a chore too. I ended up with an extra screw bent in the middle to pull straight on the plexi and skin to pull in the lower aft corners of the plexi while I glassed it in. I just left the screws in place with a piece of black tubing to hide the threads that would otherwise be visible inside the cabin.

Good Luck!