RV fan

Hello Gentlemens,

one Question: How much have you done the Slider Frame Rear Bow (in the Pin Area) bend "inboard" without the Canopy Bubble?

Gays tell me the Frame (rear) goes a little bit "outbound" when you have mounted- riveted the canopy bubble...

Have you the same Situation?

What is the best Dimension/Position from the Rear Frame without the Bubble.

Or ist it ok when the Frame (when fitting is finished) moves exactly with the Pins in the Polyamid BLocks? (without Bubble)

Thanks for Help

nice Greetings from Austria
The way I did mine: fit the slider frame to the fuselage and side rails and nylon pin blocks. Measure the proper distance between the pins when the frame fits really well by itself.

Then after you cut the canopy into two pieces (windscreen and aft canopy), clamp the aft canopy to the slider frame. The canopy will cause the frame to spread a little bit, so now measure the new distance between pins. Bend the canopy frame so that when you clamp the canopy onto the frame, the pins are the correct distance apart for the blocks.
Another way, fit frame, cut canopy, trim canopy, clamp canopy to fram on foam table upside down and take measurements befor rivet or silka.