
Unrepentant fanboy
I'm looking at the Vans drawings for the slider rail (aft of the canopy, that the canopy rides on top of when opening/closing) and it appears that this two-piece rail is held together by a mix of rivets and screws - but the drawings are completely hideous with respect to trying to figure out where the rivets are supposed to be versus the screws. Does anyone have photos they could share of theirs going together, or advice on how I'm reading the plans wrong?

Do the two pieces get held together with flush rivets and then the assembly gets screwed down to the skin/frame? That's what it looks like, but the spacing shown on the drawings makes no sense to me. There are separate callouts for rivet spacing and screw spacing, but the print distances (corrected for scale) don't match the callouts and the total quantity of penetrations is wrong as well as showing both screws and rivets in the same location.

Confused.... :confused:
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DWG 43 at the top on my plans set tells it all. :)

Nope - not quite - starting on the aft end of the rail there is a note "3X 1 9/16 rivet spacing", which I interpret to mean that there will be three rivets from that point forward, at 1 9/16" spacing from each other - but the third hole shows a screw in the drawing, not a rivet. Further forward is another note saying "9X 1 15/16 rivet spacing" which again would be logically interpreted to mean 9 more rivets from that point at 1 15/16" spacing - but that would mean a total of 12 rivets - and the drawing clearly shows only 9 total, plus 6 screws, some of which occupy locations that would be rivet spacing holes.

Unless I miss my guess, the rivets are only to hold the C-762 and C-763 firmly together, and the screws are there to hold the assembly down to the skin/frame underneath. As such it really doesn't matter where or how many rivets (within reason) are interspersed between the screws and the only real critical locations would be for the screws themselves where they hold the assembly onto the airframe - correct?
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Nope - not quite - starting on the aft end of the rail there is a note "3X 1 9/16 rivet spacing", which I interpret to mean that there will be three rivets from that point forward, at 1 9/16" spacing from each other - but the third hole shows a screw in the drawing, not a rivet. Further forward is another note saying "9X 1 15/16 rivet spacing" which again would be logically interpreted to mean 9 more rivets from that point at 1 15/16" spacing - but that would mean a total of 12 rivets - and the drawing clearly shows only 9 total, plus 6 screws, some of which occupy locations that would be rivet spacing holes.

Unless I miss my guess, the rivets are only to hold the C-762 and C-763 firmly together, and the screws are there to hold the assembly down to the skin/frame underneath. As such it really doesn't matter where or how many rivets (within reason) are interspersed between the screws and the only real critical locations would be for the screws themselves where they hold the assembly onto the airframe - correct?

Correct... Also there are only two rivet in the aft between the screws, use the third hole for a cleco to set up the track in the rear. You will do this in the front too. The hole will be later drilled up for a screw.
Also, double check your spacing on the inside of the fuse before drilling all of the screw holes. :)