Flip flap

I have the Van's lock installed with 2 positions, one closed and one open about 6 inches. I wanted a simple lock to use while taxiing to keep the canopy open about the same 6 inches (rather than rolling all the way back and blowing stuff out of the baggage compartment) and could not find one so I riveted a 1 inch piece of hinge on the rail that I can flip over and it stops the canopy track roller. Not very fancy or elegant but it works.
I looked at the one that is for the -8 which is cool but does not work in my -7 setup.
Flyboy Plunger-Style Latch?

I'm curious about the Flyboy 1/4 turn plunger-style canopy latch referenced in the previous post. Description says they work on RV8s, but additional consideration is required before use in side-by-side models. I'm not familiar with how an 8 slider works. Is the 8 mechanism fundamentally different, or is the concern due to the possible asymmetric load on a wider canopy?
Different setup

I cannot remember the specifics but I looked into the flyboy stops at Oshkosh and could not figure out how they would work on my -7. I think the -8 has a different rail/roller setup. Flyboy stuff is good so if you figure out a solution let me know.
Rv-6 mounting

looking at the Flyboys option, I was thinking it may could be mounted underneath the SxS canopy rail oriented vertically on the pilot side. I would have to measure the pin to see how far it protrudes and the thickness of the structure below the roller track to see if would work there. also have to consider any issues with egress in an emergency situation it if wasn't retracted properly - pin would not be readily visible to anyone outside or a passenger unfamiliar with the plane. and, there's no lock, just a hold partially open/closed option
Do you really want to lock you canopy? I'd rather call my insurance company to replace my radios, than to be stuck out on a cross country with no radios AND a broken canopy.

I had a friend with an RV6 that had his canopy broken and radios stolen, 1200 miles from home. Fortunately, he was able to pop rivet an aluminum sheet over the hole and get the airplane home. He would have much rather given the thieves the radios and kept his canopy in tact.

Just my 2 cents worth.