
Well Known Member

I'm building an RV-9A and I'm running out of things to do before starting work on my instrument panel. I'm waiting on that until after my visit to Oshkosh and purchasing of instruments. In the meantime I was wondering if I can cut and install the canopy without the sheet metal installed over the instrument section and behind the baggage area. They can be clecoed on temporarily. I have already installed the roll bar and fitted the canopy frame and tracks. I realize that I wouldn't be able to complete all the canopy skirt but would like to get part of the installation done while I have time. Am I jumping ahead too soon or is okay to start the canopy installation at this point?

you can start the process. I found bending the slider frame was quite a bit of work, and didn't really require the forward or aft skin to be in with rivets. It is a bit of a hassle on the aft skin though. You will find that you have to mount and remove the slider frame dozens of times to get it just right. Having the aft skin mounted with clecos gets in the way after a while. I ended up bending the slider till it was close, then I riveted the aft skin, did some more bending on the slider. At that point, the BIG CUT was made and I started bending the slider with the canopy clamped and taped into position. The frame spread was more then I had factored in.

That's where I am at now. I just finished drilling the canopy to the slide frame.
We'll give it a try

Thanks for the guidance. We'll put the canopy up there and give it a try. Perhaps I can cleco the aft skin on from the inside out to keep most of the cleco out of the way. I'm probably a ways out before I'm ready to rivet that skin on solid until after the wiring is done. I'm concerned about the front of the canopy frame because Van's instructions said to cut the legs of the frame so the top of it is just above the top of the roll bar. Then on the next page of the instructions it said not to cut them. It's too late now so we'll just have to see how it all works out.