Well Known Member
I'm looking for info on my Slick mags. Specifically I'm looking for a maintenance manual and/or parts manual. Anyone know where I can get one or download one?

I'm also wondering what I should be checking during my annual condition inspection. All I've done so far is check the general condition and check timing. Am I missing anything?
Ironflight said:
Essco has just about every aviation manual in existance in their files, and sells copies. I'd love to just browse their library some day!

Yep, they have quite a collection; when I lived in Cleveland I stopped by their Akron area office to pick up a 737 manual... and holy cow what a mess that place was! Racks stacked floor to ceiling, row after row... but somehow they found what I needed and burned me a copy, took maybe 45 minutes. They even threw in a few extras, like a QRH checklist, walk-around guide, etc. Cool place, nice people.