Ted RV8

Well Known Member
Anybody know the difference between a Slick 4371 and a Skick 4373 mag.

Both are impulse coupled for 4 cylinder lycoming.
Ok I don?t know, What does that mean? Is it referring to the lag in the impulse Coupler?

Can they interchange?

Different engine models require/ are designed for different timing of the ignition spark. Generally, they fall into two categories [for purposes of magneto ignition systems]: 20 degrees past top-dead-center, and 25 degrees past. You can tell which you need by looking at the engine data plate. This is integral to the magneto, not the impulse coupling.
DON'T swap them - it ain't pretty.
Nice source material explaining the impulse coupling....
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Different engine models require/ are designed for different timing of the ignition spark. Generally, they fall into two categories [for purposes of magneto ignition systems]: 20 degrees past top-dead-center, and 25 degrees past. You can tell which you need by looking at the engine data plate. This is integral to the magneto, not the impulse coupling.
DON'T swap them - it ain't pretty.
Nice source material explaining the impulse coupling....

Okay, so here?s a question for you since this piston stuff is foreign to me...

I just bought an RV3 and the paperwork says it has an O290-D2 strapped to it. According to the Lycoming owner?s manual, the timing on the -D2 is 18 degrees. However, I just had the magnetos serviced and they were set at 25 degrees. All the marks on the engine and on the data plate show 25 degrees. The engine runs fine with everything at 25 degrees. So, what does it matter that it?s not set at 18 degrees as per the engine manufacturer?:confused: