Dave Bernard

Active Member
Hey y'all,

Gonna be finishing up my RV8 in the next year or so- I'm about 6 months out from needing a hangar.

I'm in Sandy so #2... Ahem... South valley regional would be the closest, however I seem to remember hearing that the airport manager a while back petitioned the FAA to designate the airport to be surrounded by a densely populated area, thus prohibiting phase 1 testing. I have also heard this is a real tough place to get a hangar...

Is the above scenario also the case with bountiful?

I'd be happy renting the corner of someone's hangar if anyone has an opening!

My Order of preference is:


Thanks ahead of time everybody!


At last report, one could do phase 1 flying out of BTF, but not U42. An EAA Chapter 23 member recently did final assembly and phase 1 flying out of BTF before moving to U42. Can't comment on hangar availability, but U42 has a reputation for very restrictive use policies.

Cheers, David