

I'm currently living in Salt Lake City for the next few months, and am looking to get my PPL, and was hoping that some of you might have feedback on the different places to get it, as it looks like the majority of the flight instruction is at either SLC, BTF, or U42. I could also do PVU, U77, TVY, or 36U if there is an outstanding option there, but they are a bit farther from my apartment than I would prefer.

I am currently on sabatical before going to grad school this fall, so I am looking for a fairly intensive course to get my license in the next two months or less, which I think is doable.

Anyways, I know a few of you live and fly in the area, so if you have any input, I would greatly appreciate it.


My understanding is that the flight school at U42 is closing because the city made unreasonable demands on the operator. SLC is, IMO, to busy with commercial traffic to be a good place to train for a PPL. That leaves BTF. It's a nice airport; I keep my RV there, but have no connection with the flight school.

Cheers, David
I did my instrument at SLC - we usually ended up going to Provo or Ogden for instrument work. While I think there is a benefit to feeling comfortable getting into and out of the larger airports, I think I would agree that the Private would be better off done elsewhere.

I'm currently finishing my -10 at Bountiful (BTF), own a hangar there. - they seem to have a pretty active flight school - worth checking out.

Lots of RVs at Bountiful, good group of guys willing to show you their projects...

Phil Barnette
RV-10 finishing
I keep my RV7 at KBTF and I am a CFI as well but my normal day job has my criss crossing the US in the left seat of an A320, so I wouldn't be of any help directly. KBTF has a pretty busy flight school, busy in that they have planes and must have instructors as you see their planes going all the time. KBTF's close proximity to SLC would be a PLUS unless you are living towards the south end of the valley, then PVU may be better, but the traffic over the point of the mountain to the south is horrendous by SLC standards (tongue in cheek). While I don't know much about how well the school is run or the quality of the planes and instructors I think doing your training out of KBTF would be a huge plus! You'll be to the practice area in 20 mins and if you are working on Takeoffs and Landings you can do them right at the field.
I would be willing to help in a limited fashion if you need it, just PM me.

Good luck, welcome to KBTF if you decide, I think you'll enjoy it. It is the grass roots airport located right in the heart of SLC. I don't think you would have the same enjoyment at SLC, U42 or PVU or OGD.



Thanks for the input! I decided to do BTF, and am cranking along through the book part of it, though the wind needs to die out a bit before I get up in the air. I hope to meet some of you, or see your projects, at some point!

Any chance anyone knows of an S-LSA RV-12 for rent in N. Utah? I'm approaching the home stretch of my RV-12 build and would love to start flying again in the same make/model.