
Just curious what other people are using for numbers in the system functions of the SL40. Headphone level, Mic 1 squelch, Mic 2 squelch, Transmit, Intercom level, Sidetone level are all adjustable but I don't know what the numbers should be. In the course of troubleshooting my radio, I have adjusted some of those levels and now I don't know what is ideal. The problem with my radio turned out to be a short in the coax BNC fitting near the antenna, which is now fixed.
Jake - N124JT
I have the same issue with my settings...

...I noticed while on the ground and when transmiting all is fine...As soon as I get airborn, I have this high squelch everytime I start talking to ATC

Any ideas?
SL40 Settings

If you use the factory settings you will need to adjust them to achieve best results. I got a lot of feedback on my first flight.
Here are my settings that may help you get in the ball park.

HEADPHONE LEVEL 000 (slave to volume control)
MIC 1 SQUELCH 009 (Bose x)
MIC 2 SQUELCH 012 (Flight Com)
SIDE TONE 000 (slave to volume control)
MIC XMIT option 1,2,both (if both, then both mics will xmit when either 1 OR 2 is pushed. Open mic will pick up cabin noise. )
You Can't Adjust the Squelch Captain

Not sure what you mean by "high squelch" but I can tell you the squelch is not adjustable on an SL40. I had a problem with an ungrounded shield on my SL40 antenna wire and it was unbearable and I so wanted to turn the squelch up to make it go away, but the SL40 squelch is automatic...

If you use the factory settings you will need to adjust them to achieve best results. I got a lot of feedback on my first flight.
Here are my settings that may help you get in the ball park.

HEADPHONE LEVEL 000 (slave to volume control)
MIC 1 SQUELCH 009 (Bose x)
MIC 2 SQUELCH 012 (Flight Com)
SIDE TONE 000 (slave to volume control)
MIC XMIT option 1,2,both (if both, then both mics will xmit when either 1 OR 2 is pushed. Open mic will pick up cabin noise. )

This info is not relavent to an RV-12 (the forum this thread is in) because it uses a flight com panel mounted intercom.

I believe all of the avionics settings are preadjusted by Stien before they ship them out to RV-12 builders
Not sure what you mean by "high squelch" but I can tell you the squelch is not adjustable on an SL40. I had a problem with an ungrounded shield on my SL40 antenna wire and it was unbearable and I so wanted to turn the squelch up to make it go away, but the SL40 squelch is automatic...


Squelch is adjustable in the Maintenance menu, the adjustments most folks are talking about here are in the user menu. If I remember correctly it accessed by holding down the RCL and Transfer button then turning on power. I have the manual at the hanger if someone needs specifics.
High Squelch = typical Squelch Noise in the background but it only happens when the PTT is pressed airborn.....Sorry for the confusion....

BTW,,I have magneto filters...

I am on my way to the airport and will try the reccomended set up

RV-12 presets

I believe all of the avionics settings are preadjusted by Stien before they ship them out to RV-12 builders


I am not sure if they preset the SL-40 or not but I know that in my case, I was getting terrible distortion with sidetone until I went in and decreased the level significantly. I subsequently slaved it to the volume control as others suggested. I don't think mine were preset for the RV-12 but rather, appeared to be set to the factory defaults.

Do you know what the recommended settings are specifically for the RV-12? Or at least what Van's has found optimal for 412RV?


SL40 Squelch Not Adjustable Inflight?

Squelch is adjustable in the Maintenance menu, the adjustments most folks are talking about here are in the user menu. If I remember correctly it accessed by holding down the RCL and Transfer button then turning on power. I have the manual at the hanger if someone needs specifics.

Really!? I have been through the manual six ways from Sunday! Or maybe just the user guide... At any rate even if it is adjustable in the maintenance mode it still doesn't do what a squelch knob is supposed to do. I miss manual squelch so that you can tune out weak signals from distant airports by turning it up, then turning it back down when want to hear the weak stuff. This is the only kvetch I have on the SL40. The automatic squelch on the SL40 works well, but is limited by it's non-adjustability.

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SL-40 squelch is adjustable

From the Installation guide:

SL40 Installation Manual, Page 12

Receiver Squelch Adjustment
Adjustments to the receiver squelch level may be performed by using the RCVR SQELCH page
in the Test Mode. Values may be adjusted between 25 and 100.
1. Press and hold the <-> and RCL keys while switching the unit on.
2. Turn the LARGE knob to the RCVR SQELCH page.
3. Press the <-> key to start selection (the number will flash).
4. Turn the SMALL knob to change the value. Press MEM to store the value.
5. Turn the unit off to exit the Test Mode.
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I miss manual squelch so that you can tune out weak signals from distant airports by turning it up, then turning it back down when want to hear the weak stuff. This is the only kvetch I have on the SL40. The automatic squelch on the SL40 works well, but is limited by it's non-adjustability.

On my SL40 (9yrs old) I just pull the volume knob out to turn off the squelch and hear the weak stuff. Push it back in for the preset squelch.
May be the new ones are different.
If you use the factory settings you will need to adjust them to achieve best results. I got a lot of feedback on my first flight.
Here are my settings that may help you get in the ball park.

HEADPHONE LEVEL 000 (slave to volume control)
MIC 1 SQUELCH 009 (Bose x)
MIC 2 SQUELCH 012 (Flight Com)
SIDE TONE 000 (slave to volume control)
MIC XMIT option 1,2,both (if both, then both mics will xmit when either 1 OR 2 is pushed. Open mic will pick up cabin noise. )

Rich, I used your numbers in my RV12 and they made a world of difference, even though Scott McDaniels said that are not relevent to the RV12. Thanks for your help to get me back to a usable radio. I probably messed up the settings to begin with, but now it is good.