Scott DellAngelo

Well Known Member
How anyone used the built-in intercom function on any of the former UPSAT radios (SL30, SL40, GX models)? I am considering ordering just an SL30 and using it's internal intercom. I could only find one comment searching RV archives (not completely positive) and was wondering if there is more feedback out there?

#90598 Finish Kit (starting wiring)
N598SD reserved
SL series intercoms

I used the intercom built into my GX65, which is the same comm as an SL40, for a very short period. I ended up putting in a separate intercom right after I got my hours flown off, which would have been much easier to do while building my panel. While it is a good intercom, it lacks features found in stand alone units. The major problem I had was not being able to talk to the passenger while the comm was recieving transmisions. This doesn't seem like it would be a big deal at first, but if there is a lot of radio traffic in the area, most of which is of no interest to you, you can find yourself basically without an intercom. Very, VERY annoying! They may have changed this by now, but if they haven't, I'd recommend a separate intercom be installed initially, while it is a easier to do.
Good Luck!
Bill Waters
Built in intercom in Comm radios

The Icom A200 has the same deal, it is intercom in name only. You have to wire up a switch to select intercom and than it is button activated only. Great Com radio though. Get a seperate intercom.

The SL30 or SL40 are great radios, and the lack of intercom should not be seen as a real negative, since no comm offers a good full featured intercom as far as I know. If you want stereo intercom, recommend DRE. A good overall intercom PS engineering is also good.

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I have an SL40 and I also installed a PM 3000 intercom. My avionics guy strongly suggested I do so and I am happy I did as everything is easy to use and works very well.

If you are using an audiopanel, you could get one with a VOX intercom built in.

I'm running the same setup as Roberta, and I want add that you not forget the 'Monitor Standby freq' feature available with the SL-30/40.

It's a poor-man's second radio as you can monitor the standby frequency when the primary frequency is 'quiet'. It's really nice for picking up ATIS while talking with approach ;)

I recall from wiring the plane that the intercom/monitor-standby uses a switch that is either open (monitor standby) or closed (to ground for intercom). You can't have both at once.

Lastly, the SL-30 has a pinout for remote flip/flop so you can put a button on the stick to flip freqs.

Good luck! Rosie
Yes I love the fact that the SL30 acts like having two nav/coms. Re-reading my post, the deal breaker comment was strictly referring to not using the intercom feature. I will just get an intercom seperate.

SL40 intercom function - quality - audio inputs


I'm in the purchasing mode for panel items, and the SL40 is on my list. Since I only need a 2 place intercom, I was planning to use the one that's built into the unit. Is anyone using the SL40 as an intercom? Is it OK?

Second question is about audio inputs. I plan to have an 396, which has some voice warnings, as well as XM radio. I would imagine that my engine monitor (as yet undecided) will have alarm tones as well. Best I can tell, the SL40 doesn't have any aux audio inputs.

If that's correct, I'll have to have either an audio panel, or another intercom that supports additional audio inputs.

Any suggestions for the best way to handle this?
13brv3 said:

I'm in the purchasing mode for panel items, and the SL40 is on my list. Since I only need a 2 place intercom, I was planning to use the one that's built into the unit. Is anyone using the SL40 as an intercom? Is it OK?

Second question is about audio inputs. I plan to have an 396, which has some voice warnings, as well as XM radio. I would imagine that my engine monitor (as yet undecided) will have alarm tones as well. Best I can tell, the SL40 doesn't have any aux audio inputs.

If that's correct, I'll have to have either an audio panel, or another intercom that supports additional audio inputs.

Any suggestions for the best way to handle this?

I have a friend with a -6A and an SL40. He originally used the SL40 intercom, but found that it does not work well in a noisy environment, and he upgraded.

I'd recommend a discrete intercom system. With the right setup, all of your alarms and voice prompts can be connected in.

I use a Sigtronics SPA-400 with a Vx Aviation AMX-1A audio bus in my aircraft, and the combination allows a lot of different audio sources to be accommodated. Other brands are good, too, just make sure that they are easy to wire in (lots of ground pins and extra audio input pins).

You don't have to spend a lot of money on an expensive audio panel, unless you want to.

Vern Little
suggest audio panel

I'm certainly not an expert but I don't think the SL40 can support everything you are asking of it. I would suggest the Garmin 340 audio panel. I have the 330S transponder with traffic interface for the Garmin 430. There is an unswitched audio for that. My engine monitor has several voice warnings. Another unswitched audio. I also installed an XM radio. This went into Music one of the audio panel.

For $1350 bucks the audio panel is well worth it. Plus the intercom works great.

Darwin N. Barrie
Chandler AZ
vlittle said:
I use a Sigtronics SPA-400 with a Vx Aviation AMX-1A audio bus in my aircraft

Vern Little

Hi Vern,

Aren't you the one who makes (made?) the VX Aviation AMX-1A? Since I read your post, I've been looking for it, but found dead links to all the web pages. Is the AMX-1A still being made? Is there a link to more info?
RV7Guy said:
I'm certainly not an expert but I don't think the SL40 can support everything you are asking of it. I would suggest the Garmin 340 audio panel.

Darwin N. Barrie
Chandler AZ

Hi Darwin,

Thanks for the comments. I looked at the Garmin 340 panel a few minutes ago, and agree that it would work, but I also think it's a bit more than I need.

What about the PS Engineering PMA4000? This has a nice intercom, music, and 4 unswitched inputs. For very little extra, it can also function as a recorder, which is something I could probably use at times.
What about the PS Engineering PMA4000? This has a nice intercom, music, and 4 unswitched inputs. For very little extra, it can also function as a recorder, which is something I could probably use at times.[/QUOTE]

That has more stuff than the 340 and is more money. Garmin has a new 347 audio panel with more unswitched audio inputs as well as a recorder for clearance playback etc....

I went with Garmin because I have an all Garmin stack. I'm also very confident that Garmin will be here for a loooong time. I think the 340 is the best bang for the buck. Even if you don't use all the capability, it is there if you expand later.

13brv3 said:
Hi Vern,

Aren't you the one who makes (made?) the VX Aviation AMX-1A? Since I read your post, I've been looking for it, but found dead links to all the web pages. Is the AMX-1A still being made? Is there a link to more info?

Hi Rusty. Try
You are right. I designed the AMX-1A and sell it as a Vx Aviation product.

The web server is currently down 'temporarily'. That's a relief... if tech support told me 'permanently' I'd get worried. I've read them the riot act, using my most eloquent language. Sorry for the inconvenience.

RV7Guy said:
What about the PS Engineering PMA4000? This has a nice intercom, music, and 4 unswitched inputs. For very little extra, it can also function as a recorder, which is something I could probably use at times.

That has more stuff than the 340 and is more money. Garmin has a new 347 audio panel with more unswitched audio inputs as well as a recorder for clearance playback etc....


Hi Darwin,

You must be thinking of a different PS engineering model. The PMA4000, even with the recorder is $795 at Spruce. The Garmin GMA340 is $1236 at Spruce. For my needs, I think the PMA4000 seems like a better choice.
vlittle said:
Hi Rusty. Try
You are right. I designed the AMX-1A and sell it as a Vx Aviation product.

The web server is currently down 'temporarily'. That's a relief... if tech support told me 'permanently' I'd get worried. I've read them the riot act, using my most eloquent language. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Thanks Vern. I'll check the unit out as soon as the page comes back up.
Here is another option. It does have audio inputs but I'm not sure if it will do all you need. I'm looking at it as a way to get everything in one small package. If you order it direct it is cheaper too. Around $1,100 I think.
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SL-40 and Headsets


I used the sl-40 and use the internal intercom and it works great. It has several soft adjustments via the system setup menu that controls individual mic squelch, transmit mic 1,2, or 1+2, system squelch etc. For me it works great.

What I did for external music input, audio cd, cell phone interface etc. is use Lightspeed Twenty - 3G noise cancelling headsets which has external audio (stereo) input and cell phone interface. I simply used a splitter from radio shack and plug both headsets into the audio source I want to hear (such as MP3 Player or XM), or each person can listen to their OWN audio input. For me it has worked great and low $$.

The only quirk is that when you key the transmit button, you select whether you want mic 1, mic 2 or both to open for transmit. I have it set on both so that either pilot can talk, you just need to be aware of this when transmitting. Whatever EITHER or BOTH pilot says will be transmitted. Has not been a big deal for me.

Good thread - thanks to all for the information. I'm using an SL-30 and a 430 Audio Panel in an RV-8 (empennage, wings and fuselage largely done). Sounds as though the intercom in the 340 will work well. Does anybody out there have any experience with the SL-30 and care to comment on their experience? Bill
hecilopter said:
What I did for external music input, audio cd, cell phone interface etc. is use Lightspeed Twenty - 3G noise cancelling headsets which has external audio (stereo) input and cell phone interface.

Thanks for the comments. I have a Lightspeed Thirty-3G, and my original plan was to use it for music. Now I've realized that I'll have audio promts from the GPS, and probably the engine monitor as well, so I need more audio inputs. If I can use the VX-aviation gizmo to consolodate the audio inputs into one, then I can still use this plan, though it won't quite be ideal. For example, I wouldn't want an engine warning alarm to be muted as if it were music, just because someone made a traffic call. I just talked to a guy who is using a PMA4000 intercom, and it's working great for him, as well as providing the input for all his audio signals. I'm still leaning toward using one of those I guess.

Jim, thanks for the reminder about the xcom760. I think I ruled it out originally because it didn't have enough audio inputs, but then went on to look at other radios with the same problem. I'll take another look.
Lightspeed Headsets

FYI and you may already know this, on the Lightspeed headsets you can change the mute setting to not mute when a transmission is received. This is the way I have mine set so the audio from music isn't constantly coming on and off. I can hear traffic just fine this way as well as communicate. I think you just hold the EQ button down for 3-5 seconds and it toggles the mute feature.
Nope, didn't know that. Thanks. I just talked to the PS engineering folks. The PMA4000 has a music input, and 4 aux unswitched inputs. All of those get muted with radio traffic. What I didn't think of before, is that they also have two comm, and two nav inputs, which do not get muted. Since I will only have one comm, and no navs, I have 3 switched inputs to use that don't get muted. Lots of options.
PMA4000 - no stereo

I just talked to the PS engineering folks. The PMA4000 has a music input, and 4 aux unswitched inputs.
I really like the looks of the PMA4000, but the only problem I can see with it is that it does not do stereo. This is what bumped me over to the SL line, since it can monitor a second frequency. Kind of removes the requirement for a second radio. Same with the XCOM760. With the SL or the XCOM you only need a simple stereo intercom - much cheaper.
rv8ch said:
With the SL or the XCOM you only need a simple stereo intercom - much cheaper.

I haven't looked at the wiring diagram for the xcom, but the SL40 only has one wire for the headset, so it's not a stereo output. They just put both audio channels on the same wire.

The only thing that would use stereo is a music source, but even mono is OK with that. After all, it's pretty hard to imagine an airplane as a good audio listening environment.

All that being said, if the PMA4000, or something similar was available in stereo, I'd be looking at it too. Is there a simple stereo intercom out there?
ccrawford said:
I looked around a bit because I was curious. I found a couple that do simple stereo intercoms:

Thanks for looking around. The biggest problem with these, and really with all "intercoms", is that they don't have enough audio inputs. Typically, they just have one music input, and that's it. "Audio panels" on the other hand, have lots of inputs, but usually they include lots of stuff I really don't care about, such as marker beacons and such.
It looks like the Flightcom 403 may be the winner. Inexpensive, simple, and stereo.

I was concerned that it didn't have enough inputs, but Flightcom mentioned that you can solve this problem in several ways. One is by just using the extra 4 mic inputs as aux inputs. These will not get muted with radio traffic, but that's the way I want it. You can also install a switch to disconnect any of the aux inputs if they're talking too much.

Thanks for making me look at it again.
Try the DRE 244e as a "simple stereo intercom".

I am sure there are others but this one works fine.

PMA4000 unswitech inputs

13brv3 said:
The PMA4000 has a music input, and 4 aux unswitched inputs. All of those get muted with radio traffic..

Just wanted to mention that the above quote is not correct. The 4 unswitched inputs are NOT muted. 1 volt p-p input to any one of the unswitech inputs will provide 1 volt p-p to the headsets.

The only input that is muted is the music input. And while it is true that the music is mono, the fidelity is great. The number one design goal for the PMA4000 was its size and simplicity.

There's a lot in this panel, and it will fit in a 2 1/4" hole.

Mark Scheuer
PS Engineering, Inc.
mscheuer said:
Just wanted to mention that the above quote is not correct. The 4 unswitched inputs are NOT muted. 1 volt p-p input to any one of the unswitech inputs will provide 1 volt p-p to the headsets.
Mark Scheuer
PS Engineering, Inc.

Thanks for posting a correction. That does make better sense.

When you connect a stereo device, to a mono music input, do you just tie the left and right channels together at the input?

Yes, you can tie the left and right channels together, this assure you have both audio channels summed.

Be sure to use the low level output of your device, if it is a car stereo. Putting the speaker output from one of those things into our panel will let some smoke out of the music input stage.

Hope this helps.

Mark Scheuer
PS Engineering, Inc.
Vendor participation


Just a short note to say thanks for participating on this forum.

I have not yet purchased my intercom, but your company's products are at the top of my list. Having you answer questions here solidifies that position.

Best regards,
Thanks Mark,

My music input will be XM radio from a Garmin 396, so it should be smoke free :)
Vendor Participation

Thanks Mickey:

I read much more than I post, but when it's appropriate, I'll be glad to offer what support I can.

Here's a little inside story, when the PMA4000 was under developement in 1999, the code name for it was Scappoose because it was our understanding that is where Van's business got off the ground, Scappoose, WA.

The RV series really was the platform we developed the 4000 for, and it has done well over the years.

Well, back into the "listen" mode.

Mark Scheuer
PS Engineering, Inc.




RV9 90197 FLYING.
RV7 72810 EMP.
It does not to the best of my knowledge. Also most will tell you that while it does have an intercomm, just about anything is better than it... :)...

I know they are more expensive, but if thinking of IFR in your future, an audio panel with built in MB and support for stereo, switching etc, maybe the way to go...

Garmin 340, 347
PS Engineering - pick one :)

There are others as well. I found a KMA28 (king) on ebay for cheap. It's the same thing as a PSE 7000 and was made by PSE.
Could you tell me a little more about the intercom function of the SL-40 and probs with it? I have been planning to use the intercom function of the SL-30, which I assume is similar, and to avoid having an audio panel. Should I re-think on this?


Steve North
Audio Panel

You might want to consider the PMA4000. It is very small, affordable, has an excellent intercom with mono music input, handles two radios, two navs and has a speaker amplifier.

If you are considering getting and audio panel with a marker, before you buy, you should consider the PMA8000B

Check out the Incomparable page!

Mark Scheuer
PS Engineering, Inc.
[email protected]
sfnorth said:
Could you tell me a little more about the intercom function of the SL-40 and probs with it? I have been planning to use the intercom function of the SL-30, which I assume is similar, and to avoid having an audio panel. Should I re-think on this?


Steve North

Hi Steve, I flew first with the SL-40 and now SL-30. I too wanted to avoid using an audio panel so I planned on using the intercom feature. I then found you can have either intercom or standy monitor feature but not both at the same time.

There is a hardwired switch that let's you decide which you want. If you 'float' the pin, you get standby monitor feature all time.

Picking up ATIS prior to landing using the standby monitor feature is golden so I chose to install a PS Engineering intercom and am very glad I did. Have fun with your panel, Rosie :D
I have the SL40

and I really like it. You have to adjust the mic levels and squelch for each headset in the setup menus and you can get it to work really well. I use the standby monitor feature all the time with the intercom on (I wired mine for the intercom to always be on, it is in the installation guide. Basically you just ground one of the pins in the back of the radio.) and have no problems with it. I can monitor the standby frequency and talk on the intercom at the same time.

What I do for music is I have the Lightspeed Twenty 3G headsets that have a music input on them. So I can listen to XM, MP3, CD, DVD or whatever I want by using the stereo music input on the headset.
henriquerv9 said:

If you are electrically inclined, you might consider building an audio isolation amp similar to the one described on On the surface (looking at the SL40 schematics) it looks like you can get what you want by integrating the iso amp in the panel wiring scheme with the SL40. The aeroelectric book has a chapter on simplified audio systems. I plan to do similar when I get to the panel parts this fall/winter.
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SL 40 Comm - Voice Activated Intercom

I was looking at the SL-40 and noticed is has a built in 2 place voice activated intercom.

Is anyone using this feature? If so, does it work well?


Just OK

I use it on the SL-30 (same thing). It can be noisy at power settings over 55% because it's an open mike thing. I have an on-off switch on it to allow clearer ATC communications when necessary. It's very simple to wire it up and saves dollars and weight over installing a separate intercom.

Works well and have used it on numerous planes but takes awhile to get setup through menu system. I use the volume control on headsets to control intercom volume and radio volume control to control incoming radio transmisions. The squelch is also set through the menu system and takes awhile to get it right for each plane and power settings.

SL40 intercom

Just some questions.
How well does the SL Comm handle two diiferent headsets with different mics?
Can you input any other other audio inputs like warning signals, etc?

I'm swithing from a flightcomm to a PS PM3000 unit for those features.
Good Luck.