
Well Known Member
We just finished installing the Avionics today. We had done things a little differently and installed the powerplant before the avionics. On first power up we didn't have the problems experienced by others. There was no smoke or arcing or flames or any of the other things secretely feared. The trim tab servo worked as advertised, and all appeared to be well. All that is except for the com radio.

After plugging in a headset to the pilot side jacks and tuning the radio to the local AWOS I couldn't hear anything through the headset. After some playing around I discovered that I could hear the broadcast when the power/volume/squelch knob was pulled out into the squelch mode, but with it pushed in to the power/volume mode I heard nothing.

There was very little documentation that came with the radio and I can't find any guidance there. Are there any radio gurus who might have an idea what causes this?

I'm no guru, nor does my rudder have any avionics :), but the most common problem I have read about is the headphone jacks not being grounded.

I assume you've checked both directions on the intercom squelch as well.
We just finished installing the Avionics today. We had done things a little differently and installed the powerplant before the avionics. On first power up we didn't have the problems experienced by others. There was no smoke or arcing or flames or any of the other things secretely feared. The trim tab servo worked as advertised, and all appeared to be well. All that is except for the com radio.

After plugging in a headset to the pilot side jacks and tuning the radio to the local AWOS I couldn't hear anything through the headset. After some playing around I discovered that I could hear the broadcast when the power/volume/squelch knob was pulled out into the squelch mode, but with it pushed in to the power/volume mode I heard nothing.

There was very little documentation that came with the radio and I can't find any guidance there. Are there any radio gurus who might have an idea what causes this?


I just installed an SL-40 as my second comm. It's a very nice radio!
Did you not get the installation manual? It's on 8-1/2 X 11 paper. It must be about 15 pages stapled together.

The SL-40 has a lot of settings that can be done from the front panel.
You can adjust the automatic squelch setting for instance. You need to know how to get to these settings as adjusting the sidetone and mic gain can make your flying much more enjoyable!!

I'd bet the Awos didn't break the squelch because you were in the hangar and they typically are not very powerful. So your squelch setting my be fine.

If you can't find your manual I can make copies and mail you one.
The one online at Garmin is not the same and does not go into detail on all these settings.

Good luck,

I'm no expert on this particular radio, but I've got about 50 years as a ham radio builder/operator and pilot, and it sounds like you just don't have enough signal to break the squelch. Are you indoors? Metal hangar? Is your antenna hooked up properly? Check the coax cable between the antenna and the radio itself for opens or shorts.

No Worries

Thanks to all for the suggestions and ideas. I did get the 8 1/2X11 Installation guide. I thought about the headset jacks and that may still need some work, but was not the problem. I am happy to report that it was not an installation error nor an equipment function. It was, in short, the result of excessive following of instructions.

I spoke to Stein this morning and got the stragiht poop, the skinny, the low down. As it turns out, the internal "auto" squelch needed to be adjusted. I was hesitant to go there at first as the avionics kit came with a warning from Stein not to change any of the settings on the equipment. It turns out that said advice is generally true, but not always. This was one of the not alwayses. I followed the instructions in the SL40 manual to access the set up pages and altered the squelch setting.

I was concerned because I couldn't seem to find anybody talking anywhere. Being a typical November day in the heart of the Northwet there was not much aeronautical acticvity in the local area. I was, however, able to tune in the tower frequency at an airport about 25 miles away and received a brief transmission from the tower (inside the hangar, no less).

That told me that all was well.
I just installed an SL-40 as my second comm. It's a very nice radio!
Did you not get the installation manual? It's on 8-1/2 X 11 paper. It must be about 15 pages stapled together.

The SL-40 has a lot of settings that can be done from the front panel.
You can adjust the automatic squelch setting for instance. You need to know how to get to these settings as adjusting the sidetone and mic gain can make your flying much more enjoyable!!

I'd bet the Awos didn't break the squelch because you were in the hangar and they typically are not very powerful. So your squelch setting my be fine.

If you can't find your manual I can make copies and mail you one.
The one online at Garmin is not the same and does not go into detail on all these settings.

Good luck,


If you send me a copy, I will scan it in to a PDF file and post it on the site.
Garmin manuals


If you send me a copy, I will scan it in to a PDF file and post it on the site.

Marty sent me a copy of the manuals, but they are protected and I can't post them. I sent Marty's email to Doug and asked him to post the email attachments.


Always ready to trade rides. It'll be fun to have an RV flying. Not many people want to trade for a ride in a 150.
I've got the SL40 in my Citabria and it is a great radio. The squelch, sidetone and several other features are adjustable through software, i.e., you use the buttons and knobs on the front of the radio to make adjustments. It's easy, just follow the instructions in the manual. Here is the link:

If you push and hold the "MON" button for a few seconds you will access the systems operation menu. Scroll the big knob to go through the items and turn the small knob to change the values. For headphone volume, intercom volume and sidetone volume, turning the value to "0" slaves those volumes to the volume knob on the front of the radio.

Good Luck, GDS
SL30/40 Settings

If you use the factory settings you will need to adjust them to achieve best results. I got a lot of feedback on my first flight.
Here are my settings that may help you get in the ball park.
Press MEM for 3 sec. to access menu.

HEADPHONE LEVEL 000 (slave to volume control)
MIC 1 SQUELCH 009 (Bose x)
MIC 2 SQUELCH 012 (Flight Com)
SIDE TONE 000 (slave to volume control)
MIC XMIT option 1,2,both (if both, then both mics will xmit when either 1 OR 2 is pushed. Open mic will pick up cabin noise. )

I fly solo most of the time and use the built in intercom for passengers.
It works OK. A seperate intercom would be better.