
Well Known Member
At some point I'll be installing the G3X system, and want a Nav radio that integrates. It's a relatively inexpensive way to log IFR time with an instructor, and a great backup to GPS with all the testing happening in the south west.

I was curious if anybody has experience using the VAL products with a G3X. I've read through older posts but would like some current thoughts. I emailed VAL and they said the coupled NAV/COM work the same way an SL30 does and this week it's $2050, which is about half the pricer of a GNC255
I'm not at the stage of buying yet, but my logic at the moment would be to spend that money on a GNS430 or GTN650 which would include an integrated NAV/COM.

Its more $ commitment, but I too like the idea of having a Nav radio.
Totally agree the 430 or 650 would be more desirable, but as with everything it's a trade off. The difference affords me to buy a couple AP servos and/or a GTX23es mode S transponder.
No experience with the Val you are talking about, but their earlier coms were junk. The SL-30 is the best NAV/Com you can buy, IMHO.
. The SL-30 is the best NAV/Com you can buy, IMHO.

Agree. Especially if it is your only means of navigation. As far as I know it is still the only Nav radio that can track a VOR or localizer/GS and simultaneously give you read outs of the bearing to/ from a second VOR (e.g., cross fix).
Val NAV2000

If you are interested, I have one for sale. I will take $1050 plus shipping. It has been updated by Val to the newest firmware.
You haven't specified which VAL radio is of interest. The Nav2000 is experiencing some challenges with receiver sensitivity for the VOR portion of the radio (search for a related post on this forum). The INS429 which is both receiver and indicator seems to have been around long enough to have got passed this type of teething pain.
Agree. Especially if it is your only means of navigation. As far as I know it is still the only Nav radio that can track a VOR or localizer/GS and simultaneously give you read outs of the bearing to/ from a second VOR (e.g., cross fix).

I believe the nav side of the GNS480 can do this. But it's an obsolete box and also a WAAS gps navigator. But I love mine!
Thanks for the feedback. Kurt, I too would love a 480, they still hold their value. If I could find a non waas 430 for under $4k I'd seriously consider it, but seems like I should stick with the SL30. I've seen them used from $2500 and up.
Val comm and Nav

I used a VAL 760 and the previous version of the INS 429 (might have been called an ILS 400?) for over a decade, absolutely flawless.
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