
Well Known Member
I am having a hard time trying to decipher the language used by Garmin and PS Engineering. The installation manual for the SL30 uses different terms for the connections then does the installation manual for the PS Engineering audio panel. Thus I am once again confused.

I have tried to put my understanding of the pin outs onto a drawing. I think I am close, but I am really not sure about the ground cables for audio and mic. Garmin has a diagram of how to pin out with their Audio Panel, which has the audio and mic ground spliced together and going to a ground block. PS Engineering has a a connection for 'Com1 Lo' but nothing for 'Mic Lo'.

For those of you with a better understanding of how all this is supposed to work, can you please take a quick look at this drawing and let me know if I am on the right track... or in need of some additional fine tuning. Thanks for the help.

Glad you asked this... I'm at the same point... I believe your drawing is correct and is how I had planned to wire it... it's just the mic and headset lows that are in question in my mind, but I believe you do as you show and use a common point to attach them at the audio panel. Remember, only ground the shields at the audio panel the other end shouldn't be connected.

I'll now set back and watch, hopefully confirming this as I'm about to push pins and heat solder sleeves :)

Still looking for help with my wiring question. Anyone know how to hook up the audio and mic grounds coming out of the SL-30. I assume this would be the same wiring as required for a PMA8000?
Confirmed with PSE that the Mic lo and the phones lo from the radios should go to the common Com 1(or2 depending on which you are doing) lo.

figured I'd close the loop on that question.
Still looking for help with my wiring question. Anyone know how to hook up the audio and mic grounds coming out of the SL-30. I assume this would be the same wiring as required for a PMA8000?


If you cannot get it figured out, stop by my hangar or get me to stop by your project. I will be at the airport on Saturday morning. I can share how my SL-30 is hooked up and help get your connected correctly.
Definitely a learning curve to..

Wiring up this stuff. I have the same set up, the pma 9000ex to the sl-30. Went down and dug up my sketch:

Garmin SL-30 PMA 9000 J1 connector
1.- airplane 12V +
9.-Airframe ground
14.- Com #1 Audio in ------------------------------pin #9
13.- ground---------------------------------------pin 10
8.- to pilot mic------------------------------------pin 11
7.-Ground-----------------------------------------pin 10
4 Transmit key------------------------------------pin 12

Looks like yours is the same, mine works fine :)
Dave, thanks for the info.

You are correct about the learning curve. It seems the planning of how the connections are going to be made is much more difficult then the actual job of wiring up the connectors.

I was faced with the same type of dilemma. I have a PMA8000, TruTrak EFIS/AP, ARINC converter, ADI, Vertical Power VP-200, Garmin 330, 696, 430W, and SL30. Trying to figure out all the pinouts myself would have been a nightmare. I also wanted the 696 to back up the 430 for GPS inputs, and the SL30 to back up the 430 for nav inputs. So I asked Stein to do up the wiring diagram for me. Cost a few dollars but made the wiring pretty simple.

Everything I have tested works properly. My son, who works on King Airs and Twin Otters for a living was amazed as their techs always end up troubleshooting avionics installs.

Thanks Stein and crew!
Stein Wiring Diagram

I have a PMA8000, TruTrak EFIS/AP, ARINC converter, ADI, Vertical Power VP-200, Garmin 330, 696, 430W, and SL30. Trying to figure out all the pinouts myself would have been a nightmare. I also wanted the 696 to back up the 430 for GPS inputs, and the SL30 to back up the 430 for nav inputs. So I asked Stein to do up the wiring diagram for me. Cost a few dollars but made the wiring pretty simple.

I knew that I wanted to wire up my own system. However, it never occurred to me to ask Stein to help with the wiring diagram. I would have gladly paid the money to get help with the pin out details. It seems like each system talks in a slightly different language. As this is my first attempt at wiring, that meant a lot of translation work trying to figure it all out. Anyway, that's a great tip. Wish I would have thought of it before investing all the hours I have already put in.
This is one of those things we don't openly advertise nor have an "item" for on our website, but we do a whlole lot of custom drawings for people on regular basis and then either print them off on huge piece of paper from the plotter and/or send it electronically. Unfortunately we can't do it for free, but then again all you do is take a highlighter and mark off each wire as you git 'er done!

Avionics Interconnect Drawing

Hello Stein,

Poking around your website I see you offer this service for $995. True?

That service from stein is awesome, everything is correct and you have a great blueprint for your avionics schematic. 2 years ago I paid $400 and it was the best money spent... I would do it again.
+1 Great Product

Stein did my diagram 7 years ago after I struggled with the interconnections. Best $$$ spent. It now hangs on my hangar wall.