I thought my SL30 was bulletproof, but maybe not. After sitting in the hangar for a year, I fired up my airplane. All avionics came online just fine except for the SL30. It comes on full volume with nothing but a loud hiss. Any ideas? Substituting radios shows the installation is not the issue.
Do you have the installation manual? Have you done the system checkout routine in the manual? Have you tried adjusting the squelch? You mentioned another radio, did everything work normally with this radio? There are quite a few adjustments that can be made in the Systems page which might resolve your problem.

If the answers to the questions above are all "yes," you probably have a radio problem and Garmin has a fixed-rate repair fee that covers anything they find wrong. Sounds like you have a receiver problem, did you try transmitting?
My best guess is that it lost its internal memory. So I second going thru everything on the systems menu. Squelch may be off, nav mixed with com at high volume, etc. These are all systems options/settings.