
Well Known Member
Hi Experts

I have two SL30 being set up in a new panel. SL30 #1 talks via serial to the PFD and #2 talks via serial to the MFD. Both SL30 heads are configured for serial.
Both G3X's have their RS232 ports configured for Garmin Nav/Com. Navigation is setup for Nav 1&2.

I see both Comm frequencies top left and right as expected on the 2 G3Xs. I can send new frequecies to each but I cannot set standby on the SL30's from either G3X and I never get a CDI on either panel. Both show the NAV's Xed out.

So far this seems to mean that I am tranmitting serial to the panels but not receiving serial. I have checked the pin outs and gone so far as to make a test harness. Exactly the same. Since both are doing exactly the same thing I suspect configuration but have tried every other garmin oe nmea protocol.

Any other possible config issue I might be missing?

Thanks for the help

Michael B
I forget the exact name/format, but to transmit digital nav data to the EFIS I think the SL30 setting is called "EFIS". I remember there were a couple of options and they did slightly different things. Sorry my memory is foggy, and my notes are at the hangar.
When done correctly, you will have 4 channels of nav data possibly going out, as the SL-30 can send out the radial (or loc data) from the primary, and simultaneously the VOR radial from the standby frequency. Not sure the G3X can accept it all, though.
EDIT: Never mind, ignore this. I found my notes. "serial" is the correct set-up option.
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I have a G3x with a GNX 375 and SL-30. The SL-30 Nav freq’s will not appear on the G3x screen but it does work with the CDI. I touch the CDI and select EXTERNAL/VOR1 .... The com works as you describe.

Hi Experts

I have two SL30 being set up in a new panel. SL30 #1 talks via serial to the PFD and #2 talks via serial to the MFD. Both SL30 heads are configured for serial.
Both G3X's have their RS232 ports configured for Garmin Nav/Com. Navigation is setup for Nav 1&2.

I see both Comm frequencies top left and right as expected on the 2 G3Xs. I can send new frequecies to each but I cannot set standby on the SL30's from either G3X and I never get a CDI on either panel. Both show the NAV's Xed out.

So far this seems to mean that I am tranmitting serial to the panels but not receiving serial. I have checked the pin outs and gone so far as to make a test harness. Exactly the same. Since both are doing exactly the same thing I suspect configuration but have tried every other garmin oe nmea protocol.

Any other possible config issue I might be missing?

Thanks for the help

Michael B
This is my wiring diagram, I did not install it but had it installed, it works great.

Hi Experts

I have two SL30 being set up in a new panel. SL30 #1 talks via serial to the PFD and #2 talks via serial to the MFD. Both SL30 heads are configured for serial.
Both G3X's have their RS232 ports configured for Garmin Nav/Com. Navigation is setup for Nav 1&2.

I see both Comm frequencies top left and right as expected on the 2 G3Xs. I can send new frequecies to each but I cannot set standby on the SL30's from either G3X and I never get a CDI on either panel. Both show the NAV's Xed out.

So far this seems to mean that I am tranmitting serial to the panels but not receiving serial. I have checked the pin outs and gone so far as to make a test harness. Exactly the same. Since both are doing exactly the same thing I suspect configuration but have tried every other garmin oe nmea protocol.

Any other possible config issue I might be missing?

Thanks for the help

Michael B


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wiring is fine

This is my wiring diagram, I did not install it but had it installed, it works great.

Hi Ferdara

Thanks for the diagram but I doubt wiring is the issue. I'm guessing it's configuration but don't know what.
If I'm reading the manuals correctly I should be able to tune from the G3X but both show the NAVs X'ed out. I'm guessing you tune from the SL30. I have a test antenna on one of the Nav's. I see the "Loc" on the SL30 but don't get an external Nav source either G3X.

software at latest

Have you updated to the latest G3x software?


The software was updated a couple months ago so should be at latest ( or recent enough) and all the LRU's and mfd are up to date. They all sync'ed up when CAN BUS started running.

Both Nav/Coms came from a reputable shop who had rebuilt them. I'm assuming both are working properly.

Looking at the serial output

I put a laptop on the serial of the sl30. It starts up immediately sending vhf nav data on the transmit line. After playing with the rs232 on 2 adjacent ports Nav2 came up. Still cannot tune from the remote g3x. But clearly config is implicated.

Going to try to send a freq change from the laptop to see if it receives on the sl20 since it cannot seem to get anything from the g3x ever.
I have a G3X touch and my #2 is a SL30. The G3X will not tune the SL30 but it does accept the frequencies and displays them. VLOC works great. You may have to change your Configurations.
SL 30 Interface

Hi Experts

I have two SL30 being set up in a new panel. SL30 #1 talks via serial to the PFD and #2 talks via serial to the MFD. Both SL30 heads are configured for serial.
Both G3X's have their RS232 ports configured for Garmin Nav/Com. Navigation is setup for Nav 1&2.

I see both Comm frequencies top left and right as expected on the 2 G3Xs. I can send new frequecies to each but I cannot set standby on the SL30's from either G3X and I never get a CDI on either panel. Both show the NAV's Xed out.

So far this seems to mean that I am tranmitting serial to the panels but not receiving serial. I have checked the pin outs and gone so far as to make a test harness. Exactly the same. Since both are doing exactly the same thing I suspect configuration but have tried every other garmin oe nmea protocol.

Any other possible config issue I might be missing?

Thanks for the help

Michael B


Can you please email us your configuration file? Power on the G3X Touch in configuration mode, with an SD card loaded into the unit (8 GB or less), you should see a selection for Config in the main menu. Touch that button, and then press the MENU key. Use the pop-up menu in the bottom right corner to export the configuration file to the SD card. Our email address is [email protected].

We look forward to hearing from you.


NAV Radio Configuration

I have a G3x with a GNX 375 and SL-30. The SL-30 Nav freq’s will not appear on the G3x screen but it does work with the CDI. I touch the CDI and select EXTERNAL/VOR1 .... The com works as you describe.


It sounds like you may have a configuration setting error. In configuration mode, touch NAV Radio. Use this menu to assign the SL30 as a NAV radio, this will allow you to tune the SL30 from the G3X Touch in Normal mode. You will need recent software for this to work, so if you haven't updated software in a while you will want to do so first. The latest software revision can be downloaded from this link.




Can you please email us your configuration file? Power on the G3X Touch in configuration mode, with an SD card loaded into the unit (8 GB or less), you should see a selection for Config in the main menu. Touch that button, and then press the MENU key. Use the pop-up menu in the bottom right corner to export the configuration file to the SD card. Our email address is [email protected].

We look forward to hearing from you.



Thanks Justin

I'll be at the hangar this weekend to collect that file.

Greatly appreciate the support.
That is correct, I cannot display or tune the NAV portion of the SL-30 on the g3x. Only can I tune the SL-30 nav section from the Nav unit. However It will display the CDI, LOC and GS properly on the G3x, when External, VOR 1 is selected. I tried to have it display on the G3x with no avail. I use the nav so seldom that it is not an issue, the only caveat is if I don't re-select Com on my SL-30 after putting a nav freq in it will not allow my G3x to change anything, freq, flop, monitoring.

Hi Ferdara

Thanks for the diagram but I doubt wiring is the issue. I'm guessing it's configuration but don't know what.
If I'm reading the manuals correctly I should be able to tune from the G3X but both show the NAVs X'ed out. I'm guessing you tune from the SL30. I have a test antenna on one of the Nav's. I see the "Loc" on the SL30 but don't get an external Nav source either G3X.

I picked up my airplane from SteinAir in on Sept 17, 2020 with the latest software installed on new install. G3x Touch with 2 displays v8.72 I have tried that, I will try again I don't think SL30 is an option, and it just places an "X" on the Nav touch bar. Can you please look at my wiring digram above and advise if I need another lead/wire to make it work. The new software was released after the wiring digram and wiring was done, Stein staff may have not connected because it was not an option at the time. If I can fix it by installing additional wiring it will be well worth it for me. Thanks Ferdara "Mark"


It sounds like you may have a configuration setting error. In configuration mode, touch NAV Radio. Use this menu to assign the SL30 as a NAV radio, this will allow you to tune the SL30 from the G3X Touch in Normal mode. You will need recent software for this to work, so if you haven't updated software in a while you will want to do so first. The latest software revision can be downloaded from this link.


NAV1 dedicated ???


Can you please email us your configuration file? Power on the G3X Touch in configuration mode, with an SD card loaded into the unit (8 GB or less), you should see a selection for Config in the main menu. Touch that button, and then press the MENU key. Use the pop-up menu in the bottom right corner to export the configuration file to the SD card. Our email address is [email protected].

We look forward to hearing from you.



So while I continue to work with Garmin in the background thought I'd ask what may be an obvious question and may answer some problems.
Even though the GTN625 is not a NAV/COMM it consumes one of those places such that with a GTN625 you can only have 1 other external navigator.

My GTN625 is set on RS232 port 2 (&4), and the SL30#1 is set on RS232 port 3 on the PFD. (Note: SL30 #2 on an RS232 on the MFD has been set to None for now). I have the Navigation config page set for NAV1 only. If the GTN625 is hogging that slot because of it's priority RS232 slot does it also require that only NAV2 be set for the SL30 to function.

That just occurred to me since I was able to bring up NAV2 (SL30#2) on the MFD but cannot bring NAV1 (SL30#1) on the PFD. I had though these had nothing to do with the GTN but now wonder is the NAV slots get reserved somehow. I'm guessing the G3X config uses the term NAV as encompassing any external navigator. Am I on the right track?

Thanks for any insights.
I have a G3X with a GTN-625 and a SL-30 and I have the same thing. GTN 625 is NAV 1 and SL-30 is NAV 2. I asked Garmin about changing the labels and they said it can't be done. So GPS is a NAV in this case, so it is #1.

Thanks, next ?

Hi Jay. Thanks for the confirmation.

Now just need to see if setting this right also fixes other serial issues. GSU 25 air data is not being seen at the GTX45r and the GTX is not visible to the G3Xs.

We have a very similar set up. I too have the GTX 45R, so if you want to go over all the settings together, maybe we can set up a video call and you can see what I have. Let me know.


We have a very similar set up. I too have the GTX 45R, so if you want to go over all the settings together, maybe we can set up a video call and you can see what I have. Let me know.


Hi Jay

Thanks for the generous offer. Sent a PM.
remaining items

I fired up the full panel on the weekend. I also rolled FWMB into the sunlight for the first time.

First thing I did was update the panel. GTN and GTX were already at latest. It appears to me the latest G3X code fixes some outstanding issues in cross communications with the GTX and the LRU's. I'm left with a much shorter and more focused list.

1. Neither the GTN nor the G3X "see" the transponder, even though I see ADS-B air-air traffic from people in the circuit on the G3X. The ethernet and serial links all show a good status to the GTN.
In reviewing the GTX manual there are examples for connecting to the GTN and the G3X but not for the legal GPS source. That only appears in table B-2 of the 45R manual. I'm guessing once I add that my transponder X's will be resolved.

2. I have removed one of the MAPMX settings as Garmin says they only allow one on a G3X configuration. I set one of the 2 SL30's to be NAV/COMM 2 (because the GTN625 hogs the first NAV/COMM position). I can now see the SL30 on the panel, both NAV and COMM; however, I can set the NAV standby, but the G3X cannot for some reason set the COMM standby. When you key in the frequency it just reverts back to whatever is on the radio. Same result from either GDU. (Note: the reason I could not see all the radios/nav/comm was because that setting is setup in normal mode in the display settings, not config mode).

I was hoping with the new firmware I could address both external SL30's but didn't test that yet. Maybe now that they have a MAPMX 1 and 2 the GTN won't hog the first position.

If anyone has seen and resolved these issues let me know because I'm stumped on item 2 in particular.


Michael B.
One last wierd problem

I'd like to tie up some loose ends and explain the current situation.

First, the problem with GTX 45R was a bad comm port on the GSU25. Without air data from the GSU25 th transponder section of the 45R won't work. I swapped out with a neighbours 45R and everything came up. Done.

What I am left with is Bizzare.

I now have perfectly functional GPS data from the GTN625 and NAV data from one SL30. NAV standby can be tuned. COMMS can display but CANNOT tune standby. But the bizzare part is that a single frequency does tune.

If I tune the AWOS at CYOO it immediately tunes the standby. Another other frequency will not work.
And on start up I do still get a red X on the comms but the nav is fine. To remove the red X all I have to do is make any adjustment to the standby on the SL30 and the frequencies will appear. So apparently the SL30 can always push data to the G3X but the G3X cannot push to the SL30.

To isolate this the second radio was pulled and the port disabled. No change.

So, I'm left with the following question. How is it I can tune an arbitrary channel such as AWOS and it works instantly, but any other random or specific airport channel won't tune from the G3X. And btw, it had occured to me maybe its based on there being a carrier but I tested that with a handheld.

Anyone else seen anything like and resolved ?

Thanks for your insights.

I wanted to close this loop. I was delayed because I didn't want to loose the SL30's while I was preparing the aircraft for MDRA inspection and the first 25 hours (both of which were completed last July-Dec).

I sent in the 1st of 2 SL30's having 1.1 code and just got it back from Garmin with the latest 1.4 code. Plugged it into the panel, started everything up ...
all red X's gone. The COM side is visible on the G3X without any other steps.
The SL30 can now be tuned from the G3X by either manually tuning the standby or selecting a frequency from in-flight info areas in the panel relating to known airport frequencies. So, basically it works as intended.

Some people have been on the fence, including myself, because Garmin could never state emphatically this would fix the issue. It did.

Thanks for all those who provided the much needed feedback requested for this and the survey.

Michael B.
SL30 Set up pages

I’ve been working on No CDI showing on my G3X when attempting to fly a LOC, VOR or ILS. I read the above post and thought the set up pages on the SL30 may be the issue. I changed that one input to Serial and CDI came into view! Thank all of you and the Forum for valuable information and troubleshooting tips. Always exciting to see movement!