
Well Known Member
I cant seem to understand the SL30 manual, and my searches of the archives here haven't turned up anything, so I was hoping someone here would know the answer. My question is as follows:

I have an SL30 and a second Nav radio, but only one VOR/GS antenna. Can I operate both Nav radios with this one antenna, and if so, how? Do I use a diplexer, a triplexer, a coupler, none of those?
. Can I operate both Nav radios with this one antenna

Well, yes you can...........

Another question is "should I only use a single antenna for two radios"

Check the archives-----search "duplex" or such-----been a lot of talk in the past.

Tip, when you search use the advanced search, and reset the "find posts from" field to "any date"

Or, call Stein........
What is your second Nav radio?

SL30's have built in diplexers, many others don't.... it matters!

In any case, sharing one antenna between two units is always a compromise on signal strength. It works but not as good as dedicated antennas. That being said, tons of installs done that way!
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2nd Nav is a Val Nav 2000

Brantel! I was hoping you would respond! My second nav radio is a Val Nav 2000. I don't see any mention of a diplexer in the Val 2000 install guide, hopefully you know the answer.
Brantel! I was hoping you would respond! My second nav radio is a Val Nav 2000. I don't see any mention of a diplexer in the Val 2000 install guide, hopefully you know the answer.

All you need is a simple high quality splitter...Both of them have built in diplexers. At least at first glance it looks like the Val does since it only has one NAV/LOC/GS antenna connection.
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Signal Issues

All you need is a simple high quality splitter...Both of them have built in diplexers. At least at first glance it looks like the Val does since it only has one NAV/LOC/GS antenna connection.

Dear Brantel, passed 3 years and having signal interference in my 2 vors that use the same antenna and a commant splitter. The question is if I have to ground the splitter because it is installed in a floating position (between cables conections).